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Razzak's form made many uncomfortable, Jr being one who looked down before glancing up at Scarface and Jaeger who both showed no fear. Impale on the other hand looked around, his eyes never stayed on one thing for to long.

"You are hunters, the lifeline of this community and you are acting like a bunch of rambunctious offspring.", growled Razzak who looked greatly annoyed.

Jaeger looked at the great brute with eyes full of wisdom, "I apologize for my comrades."

Scarface looked at Jaeger with a look of concern. "You had nothing to do with it though..."

Jr swallowed lightly before looking serious, "Impale was the one to start it. I know cause I was there and I saw it."

Razzak looked at him silently before looking at Impale with a serious glare, his eyes were not at all merciful. "Screw the community you say? Then perhaps your kind would be better off finding another place?"

Impale blinked at him in surprise, he looked down silently. "..."

Razzak looked at Scarface, "Take him to get treated, we will need him to recover."

Jaeger looked at Scarface as he shifted his head in the direction toward Ahnyx, "Come on."

Scarface followed after Jaeger, he however glanced behind himself as he saw Razzak walking toward Impale.

"You clearly don't understand why we have rules.", growled Razzak.

Impale was silent as he looked up at the brute, he glared at him silently before looking slightly surprised as he walked away. "Come with me I am sure your friend Ripper would like to hear what you have caused."

Jr looked at Razzak as he asked, "Do you want me to go hunt?" His cheek was bleeding but he felt like it wasn't to bad for him to not go hunting, he figured on asking him though to make sure.

Razzak looked at him with Impale slowly following behind him with his head down. "Yes, since we are down a few hunters. I expect you to work your hardest as well."

Jr nodded at him strongly, "Yes sir."

Jr quickly ran off while Razzak walked off in a different direction with Impale right behind him.

Rules were something that never happened before, so many of us who were sentient knew little about such things. The only thing that we knew about was how to survive, and that the more numbers you have would ensure your survival. Strength was another thing that we held on to, after all we all had to fight something that always stood before us.

But as expected, our world was changing and thus we had to adapt and cope with all the new things introduced to us. If we don't change, then there was a good chance that we would not survive.

"Ripper.", spoke Razzak in a serious tone.

Ripper looked at him curiously but blinked taking notice of Impale's injuries. "Is something wrong?", asked Ripper with a calm voice.

Razzak looked at Impale as he showed his teeth, "This comrade of yours attacked another hunter, he even spoke badly of the community."

Ripper blinked and slowly looked at Impale who looked away from him. "What exactly did he say?"

"Screw the community if I remember correctly? I have to also share with you some news that may interest you. We have agreed to let you run against Bloodmaw, that means many will vote between you two but I think you need to get your comrades under control first. That is just a friendly suggestion.", spoke Razzak in a harsh tone.

Ripper stared at Impale, his eyes were void of any emotion. "Right."

Malice glared at Impale as she stood behind Ripper, Juggernaut and Razer looked at each other in silence. Thrash glared a bit at Impale who looked down at the ground, he refused to look at anyone else for even he knew that he messed up.

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