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Jaeger watched Razzak leave, his eyes then looked to Jr who he could see was easily shaken by the whole thing that had happened. He gave a comforting smile toward Jr, his cranium shifted in the direction of the herbalist. "How about we get patched up?"

Jr looked at him with a odd look in his eyes, he however smiled a bit. "Yeah."

Jaeger walked forward with Jr close behind him.

Lockjaw frowned as he looked at Grim the both of them were frowning, it was clear that they didn't like the sounds of going out there to deal with the blind. It was risky but it probably was the only way to settle the restless beast outside of the wall.

Adder looked after Jaeger and Jr before saying what was on his mind, "Have the blind ever been this aggressive before?"

Rigor looked at him with a face that was not surprised, "Hey, they are aggressive no matter what! It is like a common thing for them?"

Adder gave him a look, "Yeah but don't you think it is a little bit to much?"

Lockjaw looked outside with a serious glare, "They are definitely more disturbed than normal. They probably don't take to kindly to us moving in, that and the fact that the prey moved on they are now focusing on the herbivores who are here within the wall."

Grim looked at Lockjaw, he agreed with him. "I think so. If the hunting party didn't find anything out there, the blind couldn't find anything either."

Rigor looked fed up about it, "Why can't they move?"

Adder sort of scoffed at Rigor's face, "There is no such thing as easy, not in this world."

Lockjaw nodded at Adder in agreement, only cause survival with blind beast were never easy. Though, he was once blind himself, he knew how much aggression the blind can have after all he showed off his aggression before when he first met the clan of Bloodmaw. According to Harmony he was ready to rip heads off without hesitation, and it was Harmony who stopped him from doing certain things. It was crazy how things have changed since then, that and his views were very different from the ones that Harmony and everyone else had.

"Let's keep a eye out, no doubt Razzak will be wanting to talk to us.", spoke Grim with a strong look in his eyes. The rex was ready for anything, and it was apparent that they all were ready. They had to be.

Clade looked at Razzak as the brute looked at the hole in the earth, the sound of deep sniffing came from Razzak who took deep whiffs of the hole. Razzak had smelled the scent of blood mixed in with the earth, and a faint aroma that made his eyes narrow sickly for a second. The faint aroma of a dead body made its home in this hole before it was dug up. The question was though, whose body was it.

"What did you see?", asked Razzak who finally put his focus on Clade who looked at him.

Clade looked at him, he was ready to share what he saw. "We heard sounds, digging sounds. We came to investigate." Clade looked at the hole as he continued, "We saw two of the blind which were young, they cowered from us but that didn't stop them from taking the body with them."

Razzak looked at the ground, there was faint traces of blood around the hole. "Anything else?"

Clade looked to be thinking about it before blinking remembering what Rigor had said, "Oh, Rigor had mentioned about the body. He didn't know who it was but it was another ceratosaurus? That apparently shook him up seeing the body of another ceratosaurus that was dead."

Razzak looked at Clade with a long stare before looking back to where Lockjaw and the others were. He snorted which made his nostrils flare for a bit, his maw and fangs were still tainted with blood. "Let's get back inside, I got a few things that I am going to have to discuss with a few brutes."

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