Separate Ways

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The laughter was and will always be remembered for many moons to come.

As the night continued to surround the world with its white glow, and both clans enjoy the company that they had. It was not long before the sun graced itself, for it barely came out over the side of the large mountains in the distance.

The morning fog slowly rolled in, giving the early morning a rather chilly atmosphere. As the night slowly evaporated, it allowed the morning to take over.

"You lot be safe.", spoke Sharpclaw as he walked alongside Bloodmaw. He was leading them out of his camp, being very respectful.

Bloodmaw looked at him as he nodded, "Thank you. We may just come over from time to time. Last night was quite enjoyable."

Sharpclaw smiled boldly, "It was!"

Smaug left Cobalt for a moment as his massive frame moved toward a familiar behemoth. "Devastate."

Devastate looked at Smaug, Belle looked at Devastate with a concerned expression. The behemoth looked at her and he smiled some. "I will be okay, go meet up with Gambit."

Belle slowly walked away, though she kept her eyes on Devastate.

"I haven't forgotten about our fight.", Smaug said this with a smirk.

Devastate looked at him as he replied, "You haven't huh?"

Smaug nodded as he said, "I will definitely defeat you."

Devastate gave a smile, "We will see about that, I won't let you win that easily."

Smaug smiled back, "Likewise."

Devastate looked at his clan who were leaving, he soon walked after them. "See you later."

Smaug watched Devastate walk away, he still had a smile on his maw. "Yeah."

It was funny how things work out at times, for two rivals to come together and actually form some kind of friendship. But of course there could be no friendship, if there was no respect first.

"Where will you be leading everyone?", asked Sharpclaw who was curious.

Bloodmaw looked outward, toward the trees of the marsh. "I don't know. But we will think of something."

Sharpclaw nodded, "I have faith in you guys."

Bloodmaw looked at him with a small smile, "Yeah. I may just go back to where we were, that land Dreadtooth happened to give to us."

Sharpclaw smiled, "Whichever works! It ain't his anymore though! Why would a dead carcass need land?"

Bloodmaw gave a chuckle, "I suppose that is true."

Gambit was standing outside of the camp with Bloodmaw, his form was moving about as he stretched. The raptor did this about every morning, though he blinked catching sight of a white lily.

The flower looked very appealing.

Gambit walked over to pick up the lily, he lifted it up to get a better look of it before glancing over his shoulder. Nina was walking with Harmony, for the two of them were great friends.

It took quite a lot of time for Gambit to figure out that he had a crush on Nina. Though, he knew that she had a mate already.

He could very much give this flower to her, but would she except it.

Gambit jumped lightly as he felt a petite hand touch his shoulder. "Oh hey there!"

Belle tilted her head, she didn't know why he was all by himself. "What are you doing?"

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