Facing Demons

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The Evil One stared at the red eyes that stared at him, those eyes could easily shake any being. The very same red eyes slowly moved, going higher and higher into the air. When they finally stopped, those savage eyes were looking down at him. Burning into his very flesh and soul.

"I am here to finish this!", snapped the Evil One as he immediately shifts into his fighting stance. Both of his feet stomped down onto the ground which in turn made the dirt and mud splash upward.

A low rumble slowly came out from the direction of the red eyes, sharp cruel eyes of blood narrowed at him as if mocking him.

After the rumbling ceased did the sounds of footsteps occur, they were loud and gave hint to something that was clearly massive. Those red eyes came closer and closer until they left the darkness of the tree line. A large beast appeared before the Evil One, his height was much greater than any other beast imaginable.

The color of its hide was a very dark brown, that was very close to black. Massive claw like hands were upon the chest of the giant who had took everything away from the Evil One. Its size was simply terrifying for it was about half the size of a brontosaurus.

The Evil One watched as the giant looked down at him, its mouth was literally full of sharp fangs that could easily skin its prey. The longer he watched it, the madder he became.

It was all because of this giant that he lost everything, and it was now that he was going to get it all back.

"I'm going to kill you. This I promise!", snarled the Evil One.

In response to his snarling did the giant sneer, as his lips curled into a haunting expression almost close to a grin. There it was, that same mocking expression. It was about time that he took that face off of this beast.

The sounds around the two of them slowly ceased, for it was like the world knew of the battle that was about to commence. In this battle, one will win while the other dies.

That was normal in this day and age, even though the world was quickly changing around them.

The giant flexed its head, its cranium was large and looked similar to a megaraptor. The Evil One bared his fangs as he watched his opponent, his lips shivered as he snarled. He was aware of the strength that the giant had, he wears proof of it upon his face. Years he had fought, and years he had trained since the last time that they fought.

He was stronger and determined to end this giant once and for all.

Sharply narrowing his eyes did the Evil One charge at the giant who stood before him like a large wall. Letting out a loud roar did he close in, the power behind his roar made many pterosaurs fly up into the air from the trees. The giant moved at him, its mouth opened wide to grab a hold of the Evil One.

Dodging out of the way, the Evil One was quick to move to the left side and after he had dodged did he slam his mouth into the side of the giants jugular. This massive beast had a leathery hide, but it quickly gave in to the force of the slam. His fangs and mouth left a nasty wound onto the left side of the giants throat. Blood quickly poured from the wound, and the pain the giant felt made it glare as its nostrils flared aggressively.

The giant literally screamed in utter rage, its right clawed hand swiped at the Evil One. The power behind the swipe could literally make the wind move in a different direction. The force was so great that it pushed the Evil One back some. He had attempted to dodge, but lines of blood erupted in random places upon his back.

Large cuts were on his back and shoulders, but that did little to deter the Evil One who was quick to charge forward. The giant roared loudly as it went to grab him, but instead its left hand quickly became bloody for the Evil One swung his left horn to stab into the middle of the large animals hand.

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