A tooth for a tooth

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If he didn't get revenge for Flaay, then he wouldn't be a full friend to him.

Many have always said that revenge was never the answer, so what. Was he supposed to let Dreadtooth go, like hell he would. This brute has caused enough torment and pain, so he was going to die right now.

Smaug looked at the two mutants who stepped forth, one of them had Flaay's blood on their tail. That was enough to set him off.

His massive frame moved toward the mutants with the full intent to kill.

It would seem that the war brought out the worse in people, and that was only cause war was bad. No matter what you believe or say, it was bad.


Dreadtooth's clan was large just like Sharpclaw's, this gave hint to how long this battle would last. No one knew who would win, just like them not knowing who would survive.

War was unpredictable just like the blind, and just like the volcano which now lays dormant. For now.

Sharpclaw blinked as this giganotosaurus swung its head powerfully, and his response was to dodge it. He of course took a hold of one of his clan mates as he pulled him away from the attack.

Like a good leader should.

A loud noise similar to something cutting the air occurred as Sharpclaw saved a life including himself. He glared at the giganotosaurus, he knew that this was going to be a challenge. Or so he thought.

A loud roar broke out, but it was not a roar anyone recognized. Besides Smaug.

"No way.", was what Smaug thought when he heard it. It was that rex that he wanted to face, Devastate.

Dreadtooth blinked hearing it, he looked to where it was coming from quite surprised. "!?!"

Coming from the same location where Dreadtooth and his clan came from. Stood Devastate who popped his head loudly after he had finished roaring.
The behemoth walked toward the warring sides, with Bloodmaw right behind him. Lockjaw, Adder, Grim, Scarface, Helm and Dingo have arrived as well.

Devastate immediately saw Smaug and he noticed that he was in front of Dreadtooth. However, there was two creatures that he didn't recognize.

"Dreadtooth, I am here to officially break up the pact with you. Stay away from my children and your daughter!", snarled Bloodmaw who looked seriously pissed.

At Bloodmaw's command he gave the order to help the clan of Sharpclaw and go against Dreadtooth.

It would seem Dreadtooth's idea was going to be ruined. He however didn't look worried, if anything he smirked.

"Then you all will die as well.", was what Dreadtooth said.

Devastate charged forward to stand beside Smaug, he looked at Smaug as he said. "Care to team up?"

Smaug smirked, as he spun the bone blades around his hands. "Sure."

The two mutants who stood before them actually began to show light concern. Devastate could tell that they were probably abused by Dreadtooth which wouldn't be surprising in the least.

Smaug however held no remorse as he charged forward, Devastate glared as he followed after him.

With Bloodmaw joining the war, the clan of Dreadtooth actually began to show a bit of weakness. There was only so much a rex could do against those who have full use of their arms.

That and to see that their leader didn't care much about them, no doubt lowered their morale.

Warriors and soldiers could see their leader for what they really were the moment they hit the battlefield. Dreadtooth didn't help anyone of his clan, nor did he show the same things as Sharpclaw and how he was with his people.

Rise Of A New Age जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें