Amid the Ruins

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Pain was something that was a common thing within our world, and to put it simply. It was the only thing that could keep us alive. As odd as it sounds, without pain, you were not even alive. Cause once you die, you don't feel anything anymore.

We are always afraid of when that day will come. Which was why we fight so hard to stay alive and live.

Cause all of us don't even know how much longer we will have on this world, that is our home.

With each step we walk, we are always constantly followed by the beasts who look like us. These beast are the blind which are always our common enemy and know nothing about purpose. To us they are reminders of our former selves, and as such we must forget them and leave them in what is known as our forgotten past.

We must walk forward and evolve and enter a new future for ourselves, cause if we don't. Who will?

Time was precious, but so was life. Both of these things were crucial for us, but for the blind they show little to no interest in it. They attack with sharpen teeth, and wild eyes in hopes of getting an easy meal. They lunge and bite in reckless abandon as they scream from their hollowed minds.

They don't know what we know, they can't see what we can see. Though, we hate them and kill them we can't help but pity them and see our old selves within them.

To pity them really did prove that we the conscious were so very different from them. That was what separated us from them. In order to survive we must first make a home for ourselves, without it our future generations will perish.

It was not long until the sun was rising high in the sky as a new day opens up for us, in order for us to find a new home. A new foundation for all of those who are conscious, for that is all that we have. Which is each other.

Looking back to those following him, Razzak shook his head before turning around and walking forward. Amberhide was close behind him, while looking at the vast open fields and distant mountain tops that rest along the bottom of the sky. Crisp the air was as the early morning passes through all of the residents who had lost their home.

Skyfall was flying further out in front of those who were still eagerly searching for a place to call their own. The place that he recommended was closer now, and the pteranodon looked back at the remains of the community who followed Razzak's order.

Indeed there was fear and uncertainty, but above all else the lot of them were all very hopeful.

One day went by, and then two. It was not long until they had been walking for a few days, and finally they reached the place that they were traveling too. A vast land was open before them, with massive amounts of water and forests. The sight alone captured the many eyes of the weary travelers, as they looked at the sight before them.

The sky took on a warming glow as if welcoming them, as a few mountains were seen in the distance while being covered in a vast light. Amberhide was speechless while Razzak smirked as he looked around. "This is the place."

At his words, many were talking in their excitement while others were already looking at the different places that they wish to claim.

Devastate looked at the lands with interest much like Smaug who looked at it while standing at his side. Ripper looking serious looked at Zorah as he walked forward and the little trike followed after him obediently. "Let's get to work."

These words were powerful as they went through the many who were left from the community, and right away did they all began moving in unity. Every single individual were working together to make this place their home. As they all worked, Razzak was providing protection with a few others who wanted to aid him.

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