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Amberhide continued in taking the votes, he was completely focused on getting them all and telling who would win. Ripper and Bloodmaw remained in the center of attention, as they watched everything unfold. Scarface looked at Ruby who had been by his side the entire time, he then looked at Amberhide as he walked around getting the votes. Jaeger was also beside him, he looked at Bloodmaw and Ripper in silence.

The two diplodocus had said their votes, they were for Bloodmaw which made many talk. To have such large herbivores vote for a carnivore was a interesting thing.

"Bloodmaw." "Bloodmaw. "Bloodmaw." "Bloodmaw."

For a good while it looked like Bloodmaw had won this voting, but then many others had begun picking Ripper which was quite shocking to say the least. Amberhide was visibly surprised by this, for his eyes went wide in pure interest. Bloodmaw didn't show anything, he was calmly standing there. Ripper on the other hand was visibly happy, and the smile on his lips proved that.

It would seem that Ripper's crew had spoken to others and telling them who they honestly thought should lead. Like always there were those who lead and those who follow, in this case there was a lot of those who wanted to follow instead of lead.

Lockjaw had voted for Bloodmaw, much like Grim and Adder. Rigor and Clade of course voted for Bloodmaw, as well as Titan. Though, there was those who were hurt they were here to see the voting for it was a grand event and they wanted to witness it much like the others who lived in the community.

So many were for Bloodmaw, and so many were for Ripper.

As the voting began to slow down and come to a end, the outcome surprised every individual.

"It's a tie!", exclaimed Amberhide as he looked at Bloodmaw and Ripper.

The voices of excitement were in the air, though there were some who looked upset about the outcome. What were they going to do since it was a tie, do a revote?

Amberhide tapped his lower jaw in thought, he was clearly thinking about what should happen. Once he had a idea did he lift up his head and spoke up loudly for all to hear. "Since it is a tie?, I suggest they fight it out? What do you all think?"

Cripple looked at Ahnyx in surprise, she looked at Bloodmaw afterwards. Fights were a normality when it came to picking a clan leader, and so quite a few thought that they would do a revote. It was a surprise that many didn't expect, that and they thought that they would change it up a notch. After all things were changing.

Bloodmaw looked calm about it, "I don't see why not?"

Ripper smirked, "That works."

Amberhide smiled, he looked to the many eyes that were on him. They all appeared to be in agreement with the idea. "Then that settles it!"

Jr looked at his father with great respect, he was glad to see his father working his hardest and he wanted to be like that once he reaches adulthood. Without a doubt he was going to be like his father, in every way.

"Alright you two! Get ready! Fight fairly and please don't try to kill each other!", was what Amberhide was saying as he tried to move many out of the way.

If they were to fight, they needed room.

Bloodmaw walked to the left, while Ripper walked to the right. They were facing each other, two individuals who were vastly different in size and strength. Though, Bloodmaw was much larger than Ripper he had a lot of strength on his side. Ripper on the other hand had speed and agility, he was also pretty strong as well for his frame had muscle.

Amberhide watched the two with great excitement, a fight of the century will begin. "Are you ready?"

Bloodmaw nodded strongly, Ripper smirked as he nodded also.

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