Gray Skies

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Jr looked at Fiala in utter silence now, this silence became lesser the moment that Fiala took notice of how Jr looked.

"Hey, are you okay?", asked Fiala as she looked at him with a worried expression.

Jr looked down, this only made her feel more uneasy.

"Jr, you can't feel bad about this! I mean we are about to be married!", spoke Fiala as she smiled lightly. "I wanna marry you and make our clans become one!"

Jr looked at her as he shifted his head to the side, away from curious eyes did he lead her into the very corner of the massive camp. Once he made sure they weren't followed did he finally speak. "Do you know about this war?"

Fiala blinked a few times, she smiled softly as she replied. "Yes, dad told me about it. But he doesn't want us to worry!"

Jr snorted a bit in disbelief. "We have to worry! This is a serious problem!"

Fiala looked at him strangely, she looked down as she listened to him.

"A war is a serious thing! We have to deal with the blind, but now your dad wants to lead some kind of foolish war! Think about it! Many of us will die!"

Fiala looked at Jr quite surprised, she slowly began to speak. "I know...but my dad knows what he is doing."

Jr looked dumbfounded by her response, did Dreadtooth make her believe that this was for the best. This wasn't for the best! This was suicide!

"Fiala you have to listen to me! Nothing good comes out of war!", spoke a serious Jr. His fathers wisdom was definitely beginning to show up from him.

Fiala flinched as she looked at him, her eyes looked from one side to the other in a uncomfortable manner. She looked really confused and lost about her options.

Jr took notice of her expression, she looked so oddly vulnerable. Just what on earth did her father tell her. Dreadtooth had the gall to say things to her, things that were bad and trying to make her think that they were good.

What kind of parent does that?

Jr looked down as he thought about his next choice of words. "Look, I need you to understand that this is not a good idea."

Fiala looked at him as she softly said, "I-I know, it is not but I want to trust my dad. He has done so much for me and I..."

Jr frowned as he said, "He is making you think that. This is not what you want. It isn't right?"

Fiala stared at him for a long time, her eyes shook as she whimpered. "I....don't...know...."

Jr looked at her in a way of feeling bad for her, after all this time being with Fiala and this clan. He had seen so many different things, things that he never would of thought that he would ever see.

Fiala was trying so desperately to please her father, that she didn't care about the consequences of what would happen to others. That was apparent the more he talked to her.

Dreadtooth even told her to pick him, when he knew full well that Fiala liked Lesion. That was a fact.

Jr held no animosity toward his father or brother, though when he was younger he actually thought about hating them. As he grew up and learned more about Dreadtooth, did he come to terms that Dreadtooth was the villain and not his father.

Dreadtooth only cared about himself, and he would go so low as to sell his children off just to obtain some kind of power. Even brainwash his own daughter to think that war was good.

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