Night Watch

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Movement within the completed community walls was a sight to see, the day was beginning to disappear slowly and let the night time take over. The residents of those living here took notice of it as they all went to their respected places to rest. The community was not done, but that would change quickly for it was clear that jobs were all starting to emerge.

Razzak was walking around checking in on everyone else as they began to settle down for the night. His massive body could easily be seen by many others as he looked around.

The hunting pack would start up again at first light and he was looking around, checking in on those who were in the hunting packs. Razzak wanted to see if they were resting, after all rest was vital. Being tired would not capture any prey, and he wanted the hunting pack to know that.

Bloodmaw glanced over catching sight of Razzak, he was not that hard to miss.

"Those who are in the hunting pack listen up, you better get enough sleep. I do not want any of you all to be tired. If you are, you will get a rude response from me.", spoke Razzak as he walked with his head held high.

Jr frowned at the words he heard from Razzak, he looked at his father who looked at him silently.

"Get some sleep.", spoke Grim as he looked at Jr. "Don't let him scare you."

Jr sort of smiled at Grim, he lowered his head as he sighed.

Grim smiled lightly at Jr before looking at Razzak who was in the distance.

Scarface lowered his head down and raised a brow at Ruby who looked at him with worry as she said, "I think he is pushing you all to hard?"

Scarface sort of smiled, "He has to after all we are the lifeblood of this place. No food, we starve."

Ruby laid her head down beside Scarface as she looked at him with a small frown. "I know, I just don't know how to think about this."

Bloodmaw chuckled, "Don't worry, it will get better."

Adder smirked, "Yeah, Lockjaw and a few others are on watch for the night. While I am on watch during the day."

"Is that difficult?", asked Nina curiously.

Adder shook his head as he looked at her, "Nah, since there is a lot of activity going on outside we got to be careful. At least I get to protect you all from danger."

Ahnyx looked at Adder as he smiled coolly, "Don't go getting hurt though!"

Nina giggled as Adder rolled his eyes at Ahnyx.

"I mean it, you get hurt on your first day won't that look bad?", spoke Ahnyx giving Adder a teasing look.

Goong chuckled, "He does have a point?"

Adder frowned at them while Nina kept on giggling, "I won't over do it."

"Good!", chimed Ahnyx which made Cripple laugh some. Scalpmuzzle shook his head as he smiled, "No winning against a herbivore huh?"

"I'll say.", spoke Grim as he looked at Ahnyx with a light look of displeasure.

Bloodmaw chuckled some, "Get some rest everyone we all will need it."

Harmony smiled at Swiftscale and Ebony as they walked over with Eden and Enyo at their heels. Everyone was starting to get ready for sleep but a familiar face appeared, Amberhide grinned seeing that everyone was settled down.

"You guys ready to rest?", asked Amberhide curiously.

Bloodmaw nodded, "I think so? We got the wall done."

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