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The world will forever be around, holding so many things such as danger and beauty. So vast the sky was with the sun perfectly perched within the ocean of light blue with clouds. Everything was in order just like the food chain which has been around for millions of years. All living things know their place while others fight against it, for they wanted to change their own fate.

"Look there!" spoke a large predator who was a rex, for Lesion's party could see the community within their sights. So long have they traveled to get this far, traversing through countless sights and lands while keeping on guard for danger.

Lesion looked at the community in great surprise and excitement, for he would soon be reuniting with his family. The only one that he has ever known. "The moment we reach there, I want you all to rest and regain your energy."

"Yes leader!" swiftly replied the small party of rexes who had been following him, for their leaders voice was that of top priority. Lesion nodded to them showing them his gratitude, and they responded with a nod of their own.

This party was well equipped for their armor on their large bodies gave it away, they were also trained to fight once the blind was to show themselves from the shadows of the trees. The blind were always not to far behind, for they had been known to show up undetected and ambush those who were not ready.

Lesion who was up front led his small party to the community as they got closer to it. The walls of the community look to be strong, with countless of bone spikes sticking out of the ground in front of them. As they got closer did they take notice of the door being pushed open, and to greet them was a familiar face. Well to Lesion anyway. "Grim!"

Grim blinked at the voice and it took him a bit to recognize Lesion, for he had the trike skull upon his cranium. Which signifies the high rank of a leader from his clan. It didn't take long for the behemoth to say something though, for it was definitely Lesion. Just by looking at him, Lesion has grown up rather well which made Grim feel very proud. "Well I'll be! You look good as a leader?"

Lesion smiled which showed all of his fangs that were within his mouth. "Thanks! I honestly hope that the others will like how far I have grown! Plus I can't wait to tell my dad everything!"

Grim smirked as he shifted his large head to the side which was his way of saying that Lesion and his party could come in. But his eyes lowered, due to Lesion speaking about his father. Lesion was not aware of what had happened to his father, and he knew that the news would tore him up inside. It was a normal response however, to lose those who were in a family. The pain of heartache was a horrible thing, for it took a long time to get over. "The others will be happy to see you. I know it."

Lesion nodded with his smile still evident, but his head tilted some to when Grim lowered his gaze. Something must of happened for him to look like that. "Is something wrong?", he of course asked him.

Grim looked at him silently before nodding. "Yeah. Can we talk alone for a bit?"

"Of course!" nodded Lesion before looking at the small party of rexes who had came here with him. "You guys go ahead in and wait for me.", he said this with a smile and respect to them. He then watched them nod and follow his orders, for they walked inside of the community without question.

Grim's expression was quite proud looking, for it was like he was feeling it from Bloodmaw. Even though he was no longer there with them. "Well how do I say this respectfully?"

Lesion looked at Grim curiously before smiling. "Just say it! Oh, I also have news as well!"

"Oh yeah?" blinked Grim who looked at Lesion with a small smile. "From the size of that smile it be good news?"

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