Squaring Up

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"What are you doing here?", growled Reza as she stood her ground. The maliciousness was very evident in her eyes, for this brute was someone who she knew as well as despised.

The fact that he was looking at her with a smile made her blood boil. She didn't know what he was up to but knew that it wouldn't be good. This brute was known as Hunter, and she knew him for he was kin to Crusher. Though, he was related to Crusher it didn't mean anything for he was completely different from her mate who was no longer living.

This went to show that though they were related, they could be incredibly different.

"I came to see you, after all it has been a while?", Hunter was slowly approaching her. The look in his eyes were very cold, and rather sinister. Reza of course didn't show fear, and when she stared him down did she bare her fangs as Hunter's smile grew.

"I don't have time for you, and I think it would be best if you didn't come any closer.", Reza's response was firm as a snarl erupted from her maw.

Hunter stopped and chuckled lowly in his jugular, he tilted his head as he spoke. "That hurts my feelings, after all I always liked you?"

A look of disgust appeared on Reza's features, and if anything this made her madder. Hunter had always had a interest in her for she knew this, and things became complicated between Crusher and Hunter quite quickly. Before they would butt heads a lot, and more oftenly than not the both of them would fight each other.

Crusher of course was the one who she fell in love with, and this infuriated Hunter in the end. Hunter also despised her son who was Adder, for Hunter thought he was weak much like his father. Reza merely snapped at him, "I don't like you. I never had."

Hunter merely stared at her, his eyes slowly looked her up and down as if scanning her. Just the fact that he was doing this made Reza growl loudly, she detested the way that he looked at her. Reza blinked however when she heard a masculine voice calling out for her. She glanced behind herself before looking at Hunter who scowled sharply.

Thank god she was not alone and Hunter was now seeing this, which probably explained the aggressive expression he was giving her. Reza only watched as Hunter backed away from her before turning around, though he looked back at her with a cold grin.

"I will be watching you.", rumbled out Hunter with a look of great interest.

As he left did a torvosaurus walk up from behind her, his upper and lower jaws had many scars from countless battles that he was in. Reza looked at the brute who stood tall and had a lot of strength on his side. This brute was quite trustworthy, and had been helping to keep the small group safe while they traveled.

The torvosaurus looked at her with a strong look, "Are you alright?"

Reza nodded in response before looking in the direction that Hunter left from. Hunter was a individual who was quite cunning, as well as he was strong. He was going to be a dangerous threat, for she knew that he would take each chance that he could get to get at her.

"I'm sorry for being away for to long.", Reza said this as she looked at the torvosaurus who was keenly looking in direction that Hunter had went in.

"It is okay, but it is never a good idea to go out on your own.", replied the torvosaurus.

Reza nodded as she looked in the same direction that he was. She however glanced at him as she looked at his scars. How she had met this brute was quite similar to how she met the others. Her small group were looking for a place to settle down and stay, she spoke of the community which gained a lot of attention.

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