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"I didn't think I'd see you guys again

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"I didn't think I'd see you guys again."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

A RUSTING TRUCK travels along the smooth roads as it holds four teenagers cramped inside of it. It looks so different compared to the area that it's been driving in all this time. Along the side of the streets, massive houses have been built and has all the rich people living inside of it — it makes the OBX Kooks look like Pogues. Everything appears neat and well-made, not a single drop off litter on the floors of the street.

The group have been driving for ages now, especially because the radiator had stopped working and they needed to get it repaired in order for the journey to continue. Kiara and Pope are displeased that the trip is taking longer than expected due to the fact that they have very strict parents worrying about their whereabouts back in the Outer Banks. But finally, all four of them manage to safely arrive outside of a pristine white house. Each one of them climb out of the car and stand in front of the metal gates.

"Talk about home security." JJ comments. "Are those spikes to keep people out?"

"No, they were to keep people in." Pope corrects with a sigh. "The slave quarters are over there."

Opening the gates, the friends make their way down the concrete path that leads up to the front door of the house. All around the front garden are flowers and green leaves attached to bush that are blooming beautifully, bringing life to the surroundings. Delilah finds herself staring at the greenery in both awe and amazement, wishing that her own home could look exactly like this.

A few of knocks are made on the front door before it finally swings open. A dirty blond haired man is seen standing in the doorway with a scruffy looking beard growing upon his face, eyes glancing between each one of the teenagers. The look of confusion that had previously fallen over the mans face is replaced by realisation as his gaze settles onto Pope.

"You must be Pope." The man states.

"I, uh..." Pope begins, trailing off as he begins to feel uncomfortable. "Are you Mr Limbrey?"

"Miss Limbrey was expecting you yesterday." The man states.

"I- I'm sorry." Pope apologises with a stammer. "My car broke down on the way up here, and—"

"The carburetor blew up while we were in the middle of Nowheresville." JJ adds, accidentally interrupting the boy. "Sorry about that."

"She was real upset when you didn't show up." The man informs.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now