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"August 6th, 1829

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"August 6th, 1829."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

ANOTHER SCHOOL DAY means that it's another day for teenagers to dread. The group of friends haven't been attending for a couple days due to everything that's been going on recently, choosing to start skipping so that they can help focus on the things that they view as more important — John B hasn't even been to school in forever now. However, the morning wasn't easy for Kiara and Pope because they had the job of waking their friends up from their sleeps, and it doesn't help that they're heavy sleepers to begin with.

The Pogues finally arrive within school grounds and clamber out of the campervan after having to wake JJ up from another deep slumber; he had physically been thrown across the vehicle and hit his head, but that still wasn't enough to wake up. They make their way through the crowded hallways of school before turning and entering one of the classrooms. Each of the five take a seats down at desks of their choice as they still remain nearby to one another.

A loud sigh slips past Delilah's lips as she kicks her bag underneath the desk, sinking further down into the chair. School isn't the place that the girl exactly wants to be right now, knowing that people are just going to keep gazing around at her and her friends. The group are going to be conversation starters due to everything that they've been involved in with the police, starting from framed murders to possibly getting the death penalty.

The teacher walks around the room and stops at all of the students desks, placing down a sheet of paper in front of them. Delilah stares down to see that it's actually a test paper. Eyes widen at the unexpected sight of this, heart dropping. The redheads head, as well as JJ and John B's too, turn to where Pope is sitting at a desk nearby, all giving him annoyed looks for not telling them. Pope's jaw drops in response of them throwing out the accusation, already knowing that he tried telling them earlier in the morning.

"A test?" John B questions.

"I already told you this morning." Pope whispers.

"No, you didn't." JJ argues.

"I don't remember you saying that." Delilah informs.

"It was literally the first thing I told you guys when you woke up." Pope states.

"How the hell are we supposed to remember that if we were barely even awake?" Delilah hisses.

"Well, I still technically told you guys anyway." Pope informs.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now