The car ride!.....

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                  I'd prefer silence
            Than talking to you.......

We sat there in silence for a while. both of us didn't say anything.

"So you don't know me huh?" He said breaking the silence that I was happy in rather than talking to him.

I ignored him again. Idk what's wrong with me but I was enjoying ignoring him *hehe*

He stopped the car abruptly and I could sense he was a bit frustrated by the force he stopped the car with.

He removed his seat belt and leaned towards me so he could be eye level with me. I was taken aback because he was too close to my face.

Idk what happened but now I had butterflies in my stomach. Don't know why was I feeling like that.

"I-said-talk-to-me!" He said, anger clearly visible in his tone. Not gonna lie, I was bit scared by his sudden anger and this behavior.

But I was not gonna make him know that. Obviously!

"What do you want??" I said pushing him away. He got back into his seat.

"Why aren't you talking to me? And why didn't you tell them that you know me?" He said looking at me, his features softened a bit.

What? why's he softening his tone. First he was all arrogant and rude, now he wants to talk to me?

"Because I don't want to! You are the one who said DoN't MeSs WiTh me!!"
I said saying exactly like he said last night.

"And about the not knowing you part, I was at the club with simran and I didn't want to put her in trouble with all those questions if I said I knew you. So don't feel so special, it has nothing to do with you" i said all at once.

"Well that was a lot" he said raising his hands in surrender. And continued driving.

"Yeah? Now drop me to my f*cking house" I said because I didn't want to talk.

"Anyways why does that matter to you?" I said casually while continuing looking outside.

He was about to say something then didn't. After a moment he said "you can't lie to my sister like that and also you can't ignore me like that, no one ignores me" he said I'm a cocky way.

I chuckled and said, "says the rude and arrogant guy who doesn't know how to talk to someone and accept his mistakes" he didn't say anything

Now I started to think that I said too much and cursed myself that I hurt his feelings.

Godd!! Why do you even open your mouth when you can't say something nice. F*ck my life. My inner voice always made me feel bad.

He stayed silent so to lighten the tension I said "shitt was that too harsh? I'm sorry" making an apologetic face.

He laughed at this.

"So you didn't mean what you said?" He said still laughing.

"A little, you were rude" I said not trying to offend him.

"I know" he said.

"So you're proud of it?" I said not believing him with my mouth hung open.

"Yupp! You can say that" he said casually.

I could not believe this guy. I lost even a slight of respect I had for him.

"It isn't a thing to be proud of anyways" I whispered to myself so he couldn't hear.

"Sorry?" He said not hearing what I said "nothing" I said.

"Here" he said when we reached.

"Thanks" I said and left not looking back. I saw from the cornee of my eye that he was looking at me leaving, but why?

Heyy lovely people !!!

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