best feeling in the world!

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Finally I was home and with my most precious thing, tara. My God I love her so much. She's always been there for me.

And.....she can sleep in my room now. She doesn't have to sleep in simran's room now. I just really want her to be with me right now. Im exhausted and I just want to be in her arms and cuddle and just relax.

" coming with me? I'll be inside." Simran said to Tara, going to her room.

"No she's coming with me." I said taking her hand.

"Fiiiiinee!!, I can't fight with you right now." Simran said annoyed swinging her arms in surrender.

"That's what I thought." I said going into my room with Tara.

"Don't get too naughty" Simran shouted going to her room teasing us.

We both laughed at this.

Tara raised her arms up looking at me cutely telling me to hug her. I swiftly wrapped my arms just under her arms, a little above her waist and picked her up.

She wrapped her legs around my torso and her arms around my neck. She hugged me burying her face on the side of my neck.

God! Why is she so cute?!

"I missed you" She said in the same position, into my neck.

"I missed you too baby but we've said this to each other probably 20 times today." I said laughing, trying to look at her.

"Hmmm" She said In a lazy tone.

"Yeah but I really did miss you" I said kissing the side of her head.

"Mmhmm" She said again in a lazy tone.

"Babe are you tired? Do you wanna sleep?" I said but she didn't say anything.

I looked at her and this girl really fell asleep in the middle of a conversation. In merely 2 minutes.

I laughed silently a little at this shaking my head. She's so cute. What did I do to deserve her? She haven't slept properly in a week because she was there in the hospital with me and here, this girl fell asleep in my arms within two minutes. There really can't be any girl better than her.

I carefully put her on my bed and cuddled her from her back, so she was the little spoon and I was the big spoon.

[I swear to God this is the cutest cuddling position. I wanna be a little spoon sooo bad. Except you need a guy for that 😭]

I kissed the top of her head and got comfortable with her. I said I wanted to be in her arms and look what's happening. She's in my arms. I don't mind it though.

This is the best feeling in the world. I fell asleep too. And it was the best I've ever slept.


I woke up I guess in the middle of night to her still sleeping peacefully next to me looking cute as always.

I got my phone and clicked a picture of her. She looked so cute. I wanted to capture this. I was just looking at her and admiring her when she opened her mouth slightly and took a deep breath. I smiled at this. She looked so cute.

[Uh ah...I don't relate. Neither do I have a guy to look at me like that when I sleep, nor do i look cute when I sleep. I sleep like a literal starfish. Fuck my life!! *screams*]

Umm I think I have a problem. I find everything she does cute.

Is there something wrong with me?

she never expected this.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz