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Simran was gone so I was alone. Wait, I had a new friend. I forgot about yash. I was glad that I had some company.

I went inside the lecture room and sat in the last seat where there weren't too many people. I don't like socializing.

I waved at yash when I saw him entering the class and waved at him to sit here with me.

He waved back and came to sit next to me.

"Hey! How are you?" He said casually, smiling at me.

"Hey, im good." I said returning the smile.

"So what did you guys do after I was gone?" He said but stopped when he noticed simran wasn't there.

"Where's simran? I thought you guys were glued together. You guys are always together." He said laughing

"Shut up!" I said hitting him on his arm lightly.

"Simran's gone for a family trip. FOR A WEEK!!" I said focusing on 'for a week'

"Okk okk, chill out, it's just a week. You have me" he said nudging me lightly with his shoulder following by a wink.

"Ohh please yash! Shut up....she's way more fun than you." I said joking.

"Ouch" he said putting a hand on his chest as if his heart was broken.

"Just stop it with your drama." I said pushing him a little.

We both started laughing after that. He was so fun and such a great guy.

But when I turned to the front after I was done with my laughing. My heart did 360° drop.

I saw Raunak!! What!??
Was i hallucinating?
He was on a family trip. He can't be real. I must be imagining him.

"Wait.....isn't that simran's brother?" Yash said looking at him as well.

I then realized my mouth was hung open and I quickly closed it.

So I wasn't hallucinating! He was really Here. But why?

I immediately called simran right away.

"Heyyy babe!! How are you. I'm so glad you called!! I'm so bored here. And-" I didn't even let her finish.

"Did your brother not go with you on the trip?" I asked strait before she could say any further.

"Yeah! Why? What happened?" She said casually and quickly started worried after that.

"Godd! Simran why didn't you tell me?" I said putting a hand on my forehead.

"What did he do?" She said worried.

"Nothing.....just, I thought he was gone. Anyway, call me when you get there. Okay?" I said assuring her.

I looked back at Raunak and I could see anger in his eyes. Why was he angry??


"But Raunak....why don't you wanna go?" My mom being the angel she is, worried about me, asked me.

"Mom it's nothing, just some college work. I'm a college president know that right?" I said holding her shoulders firmly assuring her that everything is okay.

"Okay but just take care of yourself. okay?" She said waving at me going to the car.

"And don't have too much fun!" My sister said wiggling here eyebrows, teasing me.

"Get out!" I said pushing her to the car. We had the best relationship siblings could have. We shared everything. I was a bit overprotective about her but I never stopped her to have fun. That's why our parents are so cool about us going to clubs, partying, and drinking and all. They knew I won't let anything bad happen to my sister.

I waved at them standing at the gates and saw them going away.

It let out a sigh and went back to the house. I sat down on the couch and thought what am I doing.?

There was no important work. It was related to Tara.

Fuck! What is this girl doing to me?

The real reason may I tell you was her so called friend yash. I didn't trust that guy one bit.

He can't take her away from me! She is mine. ONLY MINE.

And what I saw at college was exactly what I was thinking. They were laughing, and flirting. The way he was looking at her was making my blood boil.

Only I can look at her that way. Or any way. No one can look at her. She's mine.

I don't know why I was being so possessive over her. But I was. I couldn't bear the thought of her being with someone else.
I wanted her in my arms, with me.

She looked at me with her cute little eyes and she was shocked. But I was beyond angry. So I went straight upto them and pulled Tara away from that a**hole. I didn't have anything against him but the fact that he's getting so close to Tara, I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Raunak! What's wrong with you? Why do you always do that? I was talking to him. That's rude!" She said looking at me a bit angry.

"I don't care. Why were you with him? Don't you have like other friends?" I said looking down at her confused face.

"No! I'm new here and he's the only friend I have here other than simran. I don't wanna be alone so why won't I talk to him?" She said. Well she did have a point but that wasn't going change the fact that he was a guy and Tara was cute and he might hit on her.

"Well you can talk to me!" I said.

"Yeah sure... a senior who probably never attends class.?" She said chuckling. Well that was true.

"Anyways, why are you here? Weren't you supposed to go on a family trip?" She asked changing the topic.

"Yeah I didn't go. Because I knew what was gonna happen. And this is exactly what is happening" I said pointing at where they were talking earlier.

"What? We were just talking! Nothing Else. It's not like we we making out or something." She said casually swinging her arm in the air, annoyed.

Yeah! I'm pretty sure he would even be alive if I saw him making out with you. I said to myself.

"Okk Raunak that's enough. I have class. Excuse me." She went back to her seat where the guy was sitting.


Just when I think I know him, another side of him comes out that I don't know.

I don't understand why did he have a problem with me talking to yash?

"Maybe he's just jealous?" A side of my mind said.

"Shut the f*ck up! You so wish it was true right? But it's not" the other shut that up.

And I didn't know which one to believe.

she never expected this.Where stories live. Discover now