slumber party.

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We were having fun and just chilling and vibing to our favorite songs. It was like a slumber party, But with yash.

I would be wrong to say that I was missing Raunak. Cos i was not. I was too distracted and having fun to miss Raunak.

"Heyyy that's my favorite song!!" Simran said jumping in happiness. She is adorable. She basically is a bad bitch with a golden heart.

"Wohooo I love this!!" Yash said jumping and dancing.

"Yayyyy" I said screaming and dancing. I was enjoying it so much.

"Guys! Guys! You should stay over!" I said passing the music and looking at them hopefully.

"Yess! I'm down" Simran said sitting comfortably on the couch.

"Guys i-" Yash tried to say something but simran cut him off.

"Yash, just shut up and stay over tonight." Simran said pulling him on the couch.

"Yesss!" I said fist bumping in the air and jumping. It was my friend's first stay over.

"Wait let me inform Raunak okk, I'll just call him real quick and come back." Simran said running to a room, calling him.


How could she do this to me? How can she leave me alone and enjoy with her friends and I'm dying here because she's not talking to me!

And there's a guy too. THERE'S A FUCKING GUY WITH THEM!!

[Okk relax there hulk!]

I was just sitting in my room feeling lonely because I was used to talking to Tara every night and today I can't. She wasn't even picking up my calls. I also can't stop her from enjoying her time with her friends. I just wanna see her happy.

I got a call and quickly picked up my
phone, hoping it was Tara, but guess who was it? My annoying sister.

"Yeah why did you call?" I said in bored tone.

"Jeez why do you always talk to me like that I don't like talking to you either" She said annoyed.

"OK then, why did you call?" I said ignoring what she said.

"I'm sleeping over at Tara's place tonight, tell mom and dad." She said and I was not happy about it.

"Just you and Tara?" I said. I hope its only her and Tara because I don't trust that guy even though he seems like a nice kid. But it's my sister we're talking about. Every brother is a lil bit protective.

"No, Yash is here too" she said rushing to cut the call.

"No you're not staying, I don't trust that guy" I said In a commanding tone.

"I do! And I'm staying, that's it! Tell mom and dad or I can call them too." She said with the same energy.

"Fine! But judt keep your distance." I said giving up because I'll never be able to beat her.

"Okk thanks, bye" She said almost hanging up but I said something.

"Wait!" Where's Tara? She didn't call me today." I said hoping she would let me talk to her.

"I'm sorry she's busy, today's my day" Simran said as if she had won something.

"C'mon Simran, let me talk to her, just 10 minutes okay?" I said requesting her.

This girl made me beg my sister!!

"Ok fine but don't take forever." She said passing the phone to Tara.

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