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After the chaos in the morning breakfast yesterday with Wester choking his dad to take back his frog cup, and Astero not budging at all making Wester more mad, Devaine can't help but calm them down after telling them she'd make them a cup for themselves as to not cause anymore fights. Hearing this though, all the people at the table became interested in learning to make cups that Devaine can't help but say yes.

Now, they are inside a vacant room in the manor. It was very spacious so the grand duke asked the servants to use this as the pottery room from now on. In just a day, the butler had preapred the room in perfection. With all things needed for pottery that Devaine said being available and was displayed in perfect alignment. He had also asked the servants assigned for hard labor to make two big open cabinets used to display the ceramics. They started making it yesterday afternoon and finished it by nighttime.

Devaine had also noticed how fast and productive the servants are in this mansion as the grand duke provides them everything they need and was open to hear any problems directly from the people who needed them.

Clays, wooden platfrom that spins, and different sizes of bench for every family member were also made. It was funny to see such wide and sturdy as hell benches with lots of supporting wood from each side made for the grand duke and duke Astero as Devaine can't help but honestly say that they probably need those as they are built like walking mountains.

They also made pretty small benches for all the lady of the house with different types of flowers as design. And lion cubs drawing for the kids, yet they specially made a frog drawing for Wester's chair. They did not bother designing the grand duke and the duke's chair though as they know it wouldn't be long till they need to replace it again.

The laundry servants picked out the most pretty curtains in light colors and with flowers to put onto the windows. It had been a while since they serve a young lady so knowing that Devaine would be the one frequenting that room, they can't just use any plain and boring curtains.


With them forming a circle, Devaine started to teach them step by step. Pottery was one of the things she learned in the lab when she was Candy so this is a piece of cake for her. She had taught some of the servants how to make cups after knowing that they can't use the cups in the Corzen as it is all the duke's possessions. They also can't buy good quality cups in the market as it is only sold on important holidays and is usually very expensive.

The cups that were used yesterday were the ones they've made before but as the servants can't let the Duke of Corzen take them, they carefully pack those and take it with them to the Guillem. Only leaving one cup each for the remaining servants left there.

The room was quiet as all were too serious to make their own cup and customized it themselves. Other servants had to help though as they somehow had a hard time in some steps.

The grand duchess finished first as she is the most focus one. She also have gentle hands so making her cup became easy for her. As a Duchess showered in wealth though, she had her cup accessorized with different colored gemstones like it was nothing to her. She filled it up, not allowing any gap that her cups is shining like a rainbow.

The Grand Duke, after seeing his wife use gemstones as design, he picked up two large same sized gemstones in the color of red and put aligned it on the side, like eyes. Then a servant helped him make the mustach he requested and put it in also. He laughs proudly as he raise his cup.

Adrian, unexpectedly, was also a fast learner. He does not need any assistance in making his cup and was even capable in making small swords which he plan to he his design. He also picked up small diamonds to put on the tiny words handle before sticking them on the cup. He also made a lion cub cup for his son, Clint. And assisted his wife in making a flower cup.

Astero though, who looked so serious, he looked like a crouching bear, was serious in making frog legs that everytime if fails, he punches the air to relieve his stress. Same goes for Wester who can't even make the perfect shape of a frog head. In the end, they made a deal that Wester would make the leg and Astero would make the head.

Winter, Astero's wife needed help from the servants in making her cup and her two other son's cup. She liked the simple white drawings she saw on the cup she used yesterday that she asked the servants to design her cup like those. Ethaniel made a bear one and Ezekiel received the bunny one.

They had snacks after the pottery class before Devaine came up to the idea of making cups for all the servants in the manor.

For the whole week, different batches of servants according to their work were excused for a day and took pottery class with Devaine. Though everyday that whole week, Astero and his oldest son Wester took the class to polished their skills in making different kinds of cups. Though all with frog designs.

The whole week pass with increasing number of serving drinking tea with their own customized cup. It was as if a new cult was form in the grand duke's territory.

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