Chapter 62 - 63

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Chapter 62

Tang Ming looked at Qian Duobei in shock. He obviously still remembered but had never thought about eating.

"Are those the bowls you use for eating and eating? I always thought they were for stewing soup and making big pots of food. But are those actually the bowls you use for eating and eating?"

Qian Duobei scratched the joint, "Yes. Ah, I'm going to be hungry so fast when I eat it! I have to eat more


Tang Ming was a little embarrassed.

"Fat man, tell me honestly how much you weigh now! I remember you were only 390 pounds when you graduated. Are you over 400 pounds now? How long has it been... just over half a year..."

Qian Duobei A little embarrassed, "I...I don't know. I haven't weighed myself recently, but what I eat recently is not much different from before, so I shouldn't be heavier...don't worry about it."

Tang Ming didn't seem to listen. When he saw the same thing, he called out.

"Tianlan, where is the scale I bought to weigh the kids before?"

Tang Tianlan, "It's in the bottom drawer of the big cabinet in the living room."

Tang Ming ignored Qian Duobei's obstruction and quickly ran over to put the scale in. He took it out and placed it in front of Qian Duobei.

"Come on, stand up!"

Qian Duobei looked at the latest scale and felt very uncomfortable. He seemed to feel that there was no difference in himself, but he also seemed to feel that he was indeed much fatter than when he graduated.

Just because he didn't know, he was a little worried. What if he gained too much weight?

This is so embarrassing!

Tang Ming patted him on the shoulder, "What's wrong? Are you unwilling to face your weight? It's useless even if you don't face it, your weight won't change. Come on, hurry up, hurry up Hurry up!"

Qian Duobei took a deep breath. He really wanted to know how much he weighed now... Maybe it was his own illusion. Maybe he didn't weigh much at all!

Tang Ming looked at the number displayed on the scale and was shocked!

"Four hundred and forty-eight pounds. In half a year, you have gained nearly fifty-eight pounds... So, fat man, do you really want to be so fat that you can't even stand up in the future? Just like in those photos on the Internet Like a fat man, lying there like a puddle of softened fat?"

Qian Duobei thought about that scene, and he became a puddle of fat and collapsed on the ground, and it was difficult to even move, let alone move. Stand up...then he will be a pool of flowing fat!

He was so frightened that his face suddenly changed.

"No, no, no! I want to lose weight! I have wanted to lose weight for a long time! I just always thought it was too early..."

Tang Ming said, "Are you sure you want to lose weight?"

In fact, it is really simple to make Qian Duobei lose weight. Just let him have purple bacteria.

When the purple bacteria proliferate in his bones, all the fat on the fat man's body will probably be decomposed automatically, and then supply nutrients to the purple bacteria.

And he only has one mouth. He eats non-stop from morning to night, and he probably won't be able to supplement much nutrition.

At that time, Qian Duobei could watch himself lose weight... No, he could just sit still and watch himself lose weight day by day! How awesome! You don’t even need to exercise or diet!

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