Chapter 178 - 179

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Chapter 178

He also read the things on the note. They had all the things in the carriage. They also had things that were not in the carriage, so it was not rare at all. But he couldn't offend them now. If the time came, they would shoot randomly. , the people on my side are still ordinary people, there will definitely be people killed because of a fire accident.

"If that's the case... let's discuss it first. After all, this is no small matter."

The other party has no choice, and they can't break up now.

Because if the two sides are at odds, they will be the ones who lose and be annihilated in the end. So what if they can kill some people in the other side's manor? They are desperadoes, but not all of them will be dead.

They still need to make a profit. If they don't make a profit...

everything they are doing now is in vain, and the remaining people will not be able to do their best to complete the goal this time. Fortunately, Yao Guanglin did not refuse categorically. After getting the other party's explanation, they temporarily left the manor. They

found a vacant manor near their manor and stayed in the villa inside.

I went hunting nearby and discovered Brother Wang's community while hunting. In order to avoid getting into trouble, I ignored them and found some food nearby to eat and fill my stomach.

It was afternoon in a blink of an eye.

Chen Anyang, Yao Guanglin and Qian Duobei were sitting on the sofa in the living room. The three of them looked relatively relaxed. Chen Anyang and Yao Guanglin ate very happily. Qian Duobei looked hungry, but he He just had a full lunch, and now he couldn't eat anything.

He called it feeling hungry, but in fact it was the kind of situation where he couldn't eat anymore.

He knew that if Tang Ming and the others found out when they came back, they would definitely laugh at him. Fortunately, no matter how much he ate now, he would not gain weight again, but...

his weight would still increase little by little every day, of course because this was a good thing. , so he has no complaints, as long as he doesn't gain weight.

So he let himself go very freely these days when Tang Ming and Tang Tianlan were away. Every time he ate, he would eat with everyone until his stomach could no longer hold it.

So I don’t know why, even though my body shape remains the same, my weight gain rate has gotten faster... a little?

It may be the later mutation time. The amount of nutrients the human body consumes also affects the speed of mutation?

Therefore, eating the meat of mutant animals will speed up their own mutation a lot. Qian Duobei looked at them a little depressed, "What are we going to do with those people outside?"

Is it possible that we really want to sell fruits and vegetables to them? I always felt that they were uneasy and well-intentioned, and something might happen if they walked into the manor. Yao Guanglin said, "Of course we can't let them come. I'm just delaying time."

"Delaying time seems to be of no use. In the end, we have to make a decision."

Yao Guanglin thought he was a fool.

"Didn't I just say that? Counting the time, Tang Ming and Tang Tianlan will be back tonight or tomorrow morning. With the twenty mutant wolf dogs they have brought back with them, what else can the other side do?"

" And...the escort teams from the three major bases came back with them. It is said that this time they have all been replaced by mutant soldiers from the military. They are very powerful. What do you think they dare to be here?"

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