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In this changing world of ours, we see many things. When we first open our eyes we see beauty, and take in our first ever breath. The sky is the first thing we see, the light blue color is so welcoming to us. Though we are invited into this life, we soon realize quickly that we are not welcomed here. Not for long.

In a split second our life can be taken, it matters not how strong you are.

Hatchlings are the first to realize this barbaric nature, being young and helpless does not help you survive. It makes you a target. Yes, it is rather cruel. Some see it as a abomination.

How is it a abomination? Well, think about it?

So many creatures who we live with, who we call blind, senselessly kill and they keep killing. It matters not if you are a male or female. Young or old. Herbivore or carnivore. To them you are a target, and like targets you are sought after.

This world is indeed cruel, but we have learned to cope with it. We had to adjust.

The sounds of the pterosaurs were loud in the humid air, the trees branches move soundlessly to the breeze. The sky held a bright light blue hue, the sun completely enveloped the lands below for it was giving off light as well as warmth.

Blind herbivores were making calls to others of their kind, the lands were clearly full of life.

Bloodmaw stood up tall within his clan, he was looking around keeping watch. His size was formidable, just like the crown upon his massive cranium. For many moons, he had led his clan with strength and wisdom.

The clan of Bloodmaw was thriving thanks to Bloodmaw and his strength. He looked around as everyone worked together to keep the clan up.

Dreadtooth's clan had really showed their strength, for no blind were able to come around Bloodmaw and his people. If anything, this was a peaceful time and they had Dreadtooth to thank for that.

Though, Bloodmaw still didn't trust Dreadtooth.

So many years went by like a simple breeze, and after all this time Bloodmaw still did not trust Dreadtooth.

The brute looked at Lesion who was a teen, his size was much larger than Swiftscale now. Grim did very good in teaching Lesion, for the teen could kill blind herbivores on his own.

Bloodmaw couldn't help but smile, he was proud of his son. Though Lesion still didn't talk to him. It was upsetting to see your child so closed off from everyone, but it couldn't be helped. Maybe one day, Lesion would forgive him.

Harmony smiled looking down at her two children who ran around playing, both girls of course. Lockjaw was a overprotective father, as to be expected from a large brute.

Swiftscale was teaching the new generation, like he had done with Lesion and Jr.

Bloodmaw smirked as he watched Swiftscale chase after the two daughters of Harmony and Lockjaw. The baryoynx was a teacher as well as a friend to the youth.

The wedding was slowly approaching, Bloodmaw knew this thanks to Dreadtooth who came by last night.

This wedding was going to be a big deal, he knew this because of how excited Dreadtooth was about it.

Was this going to be a good thing?

That he didn't know.

Bloodmaw looked over at Scarface who was returning from a hunt. That he of course snuck out too. Ruby simply didn't like Scarface going out on his own, she was worried that something would happen to him.

Of course Bloodmaw believed in Scarface, since he was a expert in hunting.

Ever since Jr had left to stay in Dreadtooth's clan, Bloodmaw has become increasingly worried about him. It was natural for him, being a father and all.

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