Ch36 Renee Scott!

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She started talking after thinking for a few moments, deciding where to start.

"You want a detailed story, or a short one?"
"Detailed one obviously!" I snapped back.

"Okay. So, I decided to join army right after finishing my medical school."
"Why didn't you go for specialisation? I have rarely seen any doctor not trying for it atleast once." I asked her the obvious question.

"I never wanted to specialise." I looked at her with a blank look.
"Now if you'll put finger on your lips, and let me do the talking, your doubts will be clear." she said, annoyed.

I nodded and sealed my lips. I was becoming impatient.

"Yeah. So I decided to join army, filled the forms and all, cleared their screening tests by the time I became a doctor.
My name was there in the list of selected candidates who were supposed to undergo two months of basic course, before getting commissioned into the forces.

We were supposed to meet the officers who'll be training us.
By the time my turn came, I was scared. The reviews of one of the interviewer were not good. He seemed to be scaring people to leave before the course starts, and almost five of them decided to do that.
But I was not giving up. I wanted to become something I had always dreamt of.

'Miss Renee Scott, you next."
I went in and saluted my best. Then I looked at the face.
He seemed to be looking back at me with equal surprise. " Aren't you Ren? "
Gosh! He was Uncle James! NicknWills' dad. We used to meet so often at the school meetings. He never missed a single one.

I was so excited to see him. But then I remembered Will's words. Think before you act.
I composed myself.
"Yes sir, Renee Scott."
"What made you join the army, doctor?" I cringed at the last word. I hated that word.
No I don't hate doctors, not at all, I respect them hell lot. But I don't deserve that term.

He saw that. "You don't like to be called a doctor, why is that?"
"It's not like that." I tried to cover.
"Don't lie to me kid. I can see through you. Start talking now." I don't know how he managed to click the right button.

I started and didn't stop till I finished.
"I never wanted to be one. It was my parents wish. I had no other option. I wanted to be like your sons. Strong, powerful and a fighter. I used to go running and playing with them, that's how we became close friends. But after senior, my life got boring in medical school. I tried to do justice to the profession and worked harder than I would have done anywhere else. But the desire to not sit on a chair and go out and run instead, stayed in my heart, till I talked to Wills. He suggested me to join army.I found it as my perfect choice. So here I am. "

He was smiling at me. I didn't know what that meant.
He was feared by everyone, last I knew. But he was smiling right now.

" You've made a correct decision. Try to learn as much as you can, here. I'll ensure, you do that."
" Yes sir! " I smiled back and saluted him, turned on my heels and left.

Finally, there was someone who understood me.
But my happiness didn't last long.

"You docs should just scrub and stay in OTs. There's no need of you guys on the field!" He shouted next day while all of us were paused in the middle of our run.
"If you don't need us, then why not get civil doctors for your boys in the battle ground?" I replied in anger.

"Step out doctor." He used that word intentionally. He knew I don't like it.
I marched out. He sent the rest to continue running, and stood right in front of me.
"You know the meaning of dropping down, in army?" he asked calmly
"yes sir." my heart was about to jump out from my chest.

"Then drop and give me fifty for that sassy statement of yours!" He yelled and I dropped on the ground, doing Pushups.
It was hard. Doing fifty pushups in one go, first time in my life, was harder than I had thought.

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