Fifty Pushups Miss - Writer's Notes

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Let me start with - REALLY?
Is it over already?

Or let's say.. FINALLY! Is it over afterall!


For those of you who I haven't talked to personally, '50PM' was my first ever piece of writing.


My journey through 50PM-

Back in 2017 when I checked various platforms for a fictional book with a story my mind wanted to read, I couldn't find a single one. The search went on for months - but nothing.
Then I came across wattpad and realised that it's quite a big platform. I thought I'll definitely find one here. And I did - Heaven in Hell.

@topper93 had published first 4-5 chapters and the book was on halt. Upon discussing with the reader, I realised that it will take some time before the book continues.
Moreover, being the awesome person, @topper93 encouraged me to write what I want to read.

The idea sounded stupid to me.
Me? Writer? Come on!
But then I wrote.
For myself

Jane going and talking face to face with Killer and convincing him to stop wasting time - this is all I had thought when I started.
If you read the initial chapters, you'll find that my grammar is poor, sentences are barely interesting and everything is hurried up. That's because I wrote it just for myself.
Soon Bunny0020 found my book and reached out to me, asking me to continue.

By then 'Heaven in Hell' kick started from the beginning and the writer was very helpful to me to continue my own.
That was the day I decided that I'll write more.

I kept writing and publishing whatever came to my mind.
Trust me - must of the scenes that you guys like - I saw them in my dreams and typed them down as soon as I woke up 😂.

It's been funny and crazy three years of imagining, laughing, typing and publishing. I thought there's no end to it. And there really wasn't.

The high pitched sceam came out of me when Kadner's and James' past got connected. Me and @topper93 didn't sleep for nights straight because our minds were all time rolling! We were like those teen girls who somehow got contact number of Damon Salvatore and he replied back.
That crazy!

But I realised that what has been started, had to be stopped for better ideas to strike.
So it took another five - six months to plan the ending.

And here we stand - with a complete 113 chaptered book in our hands.


Now, the readers -

You guys!
I don't know where to start.

You have been involved equally in the book as much as I was.

Wills, Nick, James and Ethan stole so many of your hearts! And Ren? Let me not even start, she's a bomb!
- that's what you guys told me.

Holy hell I didn't even know my kids will get so much love from you people.

You guys adored them all and, I think, most of you wanted me to never stop this book.
So for all you loving readers, here's a good news - I'll definitely continue this book with the same characters, may be a few more, but we'll pick up where we left.
(It might take a few years for that, but we will.)

To those biting your nails, peeping doors and windows to know Flynn's secrets, you guys need to wait a little more.
I haven't yet started working on his story, but I can assure it is on its way.

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