chapter 53

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Raymond didn't realize how much it hurt to be kicked out from Jasmine's house till he got back to his empty house. He felt lonely and empty inside, cussing himself for asking Jasmine about her parents. if only he hadn't popped the question, she might have allowed him to spend the night at her place, he thought dazedly.

He finally got knocked out by drowning his aching heart with alcohol.

The next morning, Raymond drove to Williams house. Williams had been out from the hospital a month ago and had started going to rehab.
Raymond parked his car in the driveway as he got out and walked to the apartment.
He pressed the buzzer, putting a hand in his coats' pocket.

Williams voice was deep and staticy on the other end. "Hello?"

"It's me Raymond."

Williams buzzed Raymond up. Raymond climbed upstairs and walked to Williams flat. The door opened and Raymond was surprised to see Biki. The last time he had seen her was at the gallery, the day he warned her to stay away from him.

Biki was wearing nothing but an oversized grey sweater that hung low to her thighs.

"Raymond." She stepped aside and let him in.

"Hey," Raymond said and walked inside.

"Hey." She gave him a warm smile, closing the door.

"Hey man." Williams beamed and slowly walked to Raymond using his crutches, giving Raymond a bro hug. Williams had a cast on his left leg, his left arm was bandaged and a long scar from the side of his left eye, down to his cheek. Luckily for him, the glass that penetrated his skin from the accident missed his left eye. Most of the injuries he sustained were from the left side of his body because the truck had hit the left side of his car.

"Hey, how're you doing?" Raymond asked, giving Williams a pat on his shoulder.

"I'm good man." Williams said and sat down on the couch, keeping the crutches by the left side.

"Do I get you anything?" Biki asked Raymond.

Raymond looked at Biki as he sat down opposite Willams. "I'm good. Thank you."

"Okay." Biki gave a short nod and turned to Williams, placing a light kiss on his lips. "I'll be in the room if you need me," she said to him.

"Okay."Williams nodded.

Biki left them, walking inside to the bedroom.

"So how's everything been going?" Raymond asked.

Williams let out a long sigh. "Not too good man. It's been really tough for me. This recovery is fucking slow and it's really frustrating me. I'm just glad that Biki is always by my side. I swear man, I don't think I would have come this far without her."

"Well, I'm glad too that she's by your side. Look man, this shit takes time so just relax and before you know, you'll be back on your feet and everything would go back to the way it was." Raymond assured him.

"Yeah, you're right." Williams agreed with a nod, massaging his left shoulder.

Raymond stayed over for an hour as they talked about work at the gallery. When it was time to leave, Biki insisted on escorting Raymond out as he baded Willams goodbye.

With Biki behind Raymond,they walked in silence till they got to his car.

"Umm.. Raymond, listen i wanna apologize to you for all those times I was bothering you. I shouldn't have done that and I'm so sorry," Biki said in a soft tone as they stood by his car.
Raymond was silent, surprised that Biki apologized to him. Her fingers clenched as she waited tensely for his answer.

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