chapter 65

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"I've been calling you all day and you haven't been picking my calls,"
Raymond said over the phone as he laid back on his swivel chair.

"Sorry, i've been busy." Jasmine's voice was low at the other end.

He let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead. He had noticed how Jasmine had been acting different towards him, and anytime he tried to talk to her, she would find a way to avoid him.

It was really annoying him because she had been acting that way ever since her last encounter with Andrew.
He felt restless and worried, thinking that maybe Jasmine had gotten back with Andrew.
The thought made him angry and jealous and scared. He needed to talk to Jasmine and know what was going on.

"Okay. I'll come to the gallery and pick you up after work, then we could go out for dinner," he said, hoping that she would agree to go out with him.

The only time Raymond would ask a woman out for lunch or dinner was for business. He knew he was changing because of Jasmine but he didn't care. If breaking all his rules would give him a chance to be closer to Jasmine, then he would do it and do it again.

"Okay." Was all she managed to say.

Raymond knit his brow in a frown, getting pissed off with Jasmine's attitude. He wanted to snap at her but he held himself back, exhaling sharply.

"Great, I'll pick you up by 5."

"Okay," she said and hung up.

"What the..." He squinted his eyes at his phone, seemingly annoyed that she'd hung up on him. This wasn't like her. Something was definitely wrong and he didn't like the feeling one bit.

His office door opened and Sophia walked in, looking sophisticated as always. She closed the door quietly and walked in swiftly towards his desk.

"Hey." Sophia smiled as she stood by his desk.

Raymond didn't respond as he didn't seem to notice her, his eyes focused on his phone.

"Raymond." She snapped her fingers to get his attention.

"Huh." He looked up, his brows raised as his eyes met her. "Sorry, I didn't notice you walk in."

She chuckled, placing a hand on her waist as her other hand was on the desk. "You didn't notice me walk in? What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." He frowned, placing his phone on the table. There was no way he was going to tell Sophia what was bothering him.

"Hmm." she didn't believe him."Then what's with the face?"

He snapped. "Like I said Sophia, it's nothing, so stop asking me questions."

She stood there, mouth opened slightly as she was surprised by his outburst. She shook her head slowly, and clicked her tongue lightly.
"You know Raymond, you've changed.
Ever since you came back from Ruth's wedding, you've been acting different."

He looked away from her saying nothing. He swirled his chair towards the window, his back turned to her.

She scoffed, a frown on her face. "Whatever. Try and get your shit together and don't be late for our lunch with the Taylor's brothers," she said and with a huff, she walked out of his office.

Raymond linked his fingers and placed them under his chin. He was still and silent, his gaze focused on the tall buildings outside.
He wasn't the one acting different, it was Jasmine. And tonight, he would find out what was going on with her.


Jasmine got down from the taxi and the driver drove off. She turned and her heart skipped a beat as she saw Raymond walking towards her.

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