chapter 28

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It was almost closing hours and Raymond was in his office at the gallery, looking at the screen of his laptop as he was going through some photographs on a website.
It was a peaceful evening, the cold gust of wind nullified the warm sun which had started it's lazy descent by kissing the horizon.
Raymond's focus was distracted as there was a light knock at the door.


The door opened and Jasmine walked in. "Raymond." She called him as she stood in front of his desk.

"Yeah," he said, eyes still on his screen.

"Biki is here," she told him.

"Who?" He raised his head and looked at her with a blank expression on his face.

"I said Biki is here. She's waiting at the lounge," she said.

"What is she doing here?" He asked.
"I thought I made it clear that I don't wanna see her."

"I know, but don't you think it's time you guys just talk it out. I mean, how long do you intend on avoiding her. Just tell her already to stop bothering you."
She spoke to him calmly, hoping he would understand and speak to Biki.

He rubbed his palm on his forehead, sighing deeply as he said nothing. Jasmine stood patiently, waiting for his response.

"I guess you're right." He finally said as he shook his head slowly, feeling exhausted.

Lately he had been avoiding Biki by ignoring her calls and texts. He even instructed Jasmine to inform Biki whenever she came around that he wasn't around.

He inhaled sharpely. "Fine, send her in," he said with a frown on his face.

"Okay." She nodded and left his office.

"Fuck."He groaned loudly, closing his laptop.

He knew Jasmine was right. It was time he finally had a honest talk with Biki. Avoiding Biki wouldn't stop her from coming to see him. She was persistent and that was a fact he knew.

Moments later, the door opened as Biki walked in, closing the door quietly behind her.
She was dressed in a short fitted black gown with red heels, beaming with a big smile on her face. Her red hair was pulled to a bun.

Raymond stood up and embraced her with a small smile on his face. "You're looking good," he said as he let go of her.

She blushed. "Thank you."

"Please sit." He gestured to her as he returned back to his chair.

She smiled and sat down, placing her bag on the table as she crossed her legs

"Can I get you anything?" He offered.
He decided to play cool to know what her intention was.

"No, I'm good." She stopped him before he could reach for the intercom to call Jasmine.

"Alright then." He nodded "So, to what do i owe this surprise visit." He inquired.

"I'm sorry for coming over uninvited. I mean, I would have called but." She folded her arms, leaning her back on the chair. "You've been ignoring my calls and texts lately. Everytime I come around to check up on you, you're never around," she said, looking at him closely.

He chuckled steadily."Well, you're right. I've been ignoring your calls."

"Okay," she said calmly and asked.
"And may I know why?"

He leaned forward as he placed his arms on the table. "Two reasons. One, i hate when someone bothers me with unnecessary calls and two, i have nothing to discuss with you Biki."

"Okay." She cleared her throat lightly and placed her arms on the table. "Look Raymond, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my calls and ..."

"What do you want Biki?" he asked with a Stern look on his face.
He was tired of playing nice with her and needed her out of his office quickly.

She sighed deeply, closing her eyes for a second. "I need...I need someone who I can talk to Raymond," she said nervously as she opened her eyes.
"Look, these past two months has been tough on me okay. with everything that happened, you know, the accident, it's's just really frustrating and I really need someone to talk to, someone who...."

"And I'm guessing i'm that someone, right." He raised a brow, folding his arms.

"Raymond, if you can just listen to..."

"No Biki, i'm done listening to you. It's time for you to listen to me." He cut her off rudely, pointing an index finger at her.

She was surprised at the way he spoke to her. Normally, he was always calm and would listen to her rants and cries but today, he showed her a different side of him.

"Listen here Biki, just because Williams works for me doesn't give you any right to be calling me or even texting me every fucking day, okay.
And don't give me that bullshit that you need someone to talk to, cause I know you're fucking lying," he said bluntly giving her an intense look.

"What!" She looked at him with a shocked expression on her face. "Why are you talking like this? What are you even saying?"

"Why am i talking like this?" He let out a chuckle as he adjusted his tie. "You gotta be kidding me." He muttered under his breath with a sigh.

"Look Biki, no one planned for this to happen to Willams, but on the bright side, he is getting better and before you know, he'll be back on his feet and everything will go back to the way it was. So I think it's time you drop this act and give your man the attention he deserves. if you really care about Williams, then start doing what's right," he said to her.

Sitting back there, she couldn't say a word as her throat felt dry. She became infuriated as she heard those words, clutching her fist tight under the table.

He sighed and said in a calm tone. "I need you to stop calling me Biki and please I don't want you coming to the gallery until Williams gets back."

His words stung her hard and she felt a pang of anger inside.
She took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Picking her bag from the table as she glared at him, she got up slowly and walked out of his office without saying a word, slamming the door hard

"Whoa." He let a deep breath as the door closed. "That went well." He nodded his head slowly, leaning his back to the chair.

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