chapter 57

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"Come pretty, let's have a dance."

When the stranger came to their table and asked Jasmine for a dance, she had declined politely.
The man had brown hair, grey eyes and a British accent. Dressed in tight jeans, leather jacket and blue shirt beneath with black boots,he looked tall and handsome.

Ruth had called back the stranger when he tried to leave and urged Jasmine to have a dance with him.

"It's my party Jasmine and whatever I say you're gonna do. So please, loosen up and go have a dance with this handsome guy. Don't worry about Raymond, I won't tell," Ruth had said to Jasmine with a wink and pushed Jasmine towards the man.

Jasmine laughed but eventually agreed. Taking the man's hand, he led her to the dance floor and they danced to the booming music. Following the beat, Jasmine swirled her hips slowly, shaking her body as she danced with the stranger. She'd let him hold her hand, placed his hands on her waist as they danced and laughed. They danced for a long time and she felt tired. Her feet were hurting from her high heels.

"I need to seat down, my feet hurts." She told the stranger, who's name she didn't know.

Still holding her waist, he leaned down and said to her ear. "lets go somewhere else where we can be alone."

Jasmine chuckled steadily and shook her head slowly. "Thanks but I need to go join my friends." She insisted as she tried to take his hands off her.

His hold on her tightened and he inhaled sharply. "C'mon pretty, I'm sure your friends won't mind if you spend more time with me," He said in a husky voice as he leaned close to kiss her.

"Get off me," She said irritably and pushed his face away.
This was why she had refused to dance in the first place. She needed to get away from him but his hold on her waist was strong.

The man had a mischievous smile on his face and he held unto her tight."What's wrong pretty. I thought you wanted me." He grinned.

She squinted her eyes in anger, her breathing rough and she gave him a death glare. "Get your fucking hands off me," She said in an angry tone and slapped him hard.

The smile on his face was replaced with an angry frown. "You bitch." he sneered with anger and gripped her arm tight, digging his nails into her flesh.

"Let me go." She shouted, struggling to free herself from his hold as her strained voice got the attention of the people close by.

"Hey! Get your hands off her!" An angry voice bellowed.

Jasmine froze with wide shocking eyes as she saw Raymond rushing towards them. Relief washed over her and she expected Raymond to pull the man away from her but his reaction shook her.

With fury in his eyes, Raymond attacked the man on the face with his raised fist. In one swift motion, the man let go of Jasmine and fell to the floor with a cry from the impact of the blow.
Jasmine stood there in shock for a moment,not moving from her spot or blinking. Raymond gripped the man in a tight hold on his collar as he kept hitting him hard on the face.

The crowd on the dance floor stopped dancing, turning their attention to them as there were murmurs and screams from the ladies.

Jasmine's shock dissipated, anger bubbling up as she caught Raymond's wrist from swinging at the man. "Raymond that's enough." She shouted but he pulled away from her and continued hitting the man.

Two men came and jerked Raymond off the man. He struggled out of their hold, wanting to launch back at the man on the floor.Three other men helped the beaten man up, who staggered on his feet. His breathing was ragged and he spat out blood from his mouth. Blood was oozing out from his nose and swollen lips. His left eye was swollen and black.

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