chapter 58

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The wedding took place on the terazza of Bellagio hotel, overlooking the gargantuan fountains and surrounding Tuscan landscape which took to flighting song and spectacle as Ruth and Steve were joined in matrimony.

Raymond's mum cried the entire ceremony, her husband comforting her as she watched her little girl taken away from her.

Dressed in a red sleeveless gown and pointy stilettos, Jasmine had tears in her eyes and a wide smile on her face as the new couple kissed. It was magical and romantic and her heart swelled with joy and hope.
But where does her hope lies, she thought.

Jasmine still couldn't believe that Raymond had kissed her last night. She'd told herself it was a dream but as she saw Raymond in the morning, dressed in a velvet paisley suit in black and gold, looking breath taking, her nerves began throwing off sparks and her stomach swooped up and like a drunken sparrow.

All she knew was that nothing felt right. She couldn't sleep well last night as she kept replaying the kiss in her head. When Raymond had dashed out of the room after the kiss, he had gone to the bar and fixed himself a glass of Scotch. Drunk and tired, he carried his heavy feet to one of the guest rooms where he slept off.

They haven't spoken a word but they kept stealing glances at each other.
After pictures were taken with the couples, they had the reception in the Monet ballroom with 450 guests.

The ballroom had stained-glass windows, chandeliers, beautiful architectural details and an elegant Champagne color palette.
The tables were decorated with silk sky blue table cloths, silverwares, bouquet of white roses and pheonies, champagne glasses, champagne and gourmet chocolates.
There was a band, DJ set up, the dance floor,everything was spectacular.

The band performed as Ruth and Steve had their first dance with the crowd cheering and applauding them.

Jasmine sat down at her table, glancing around as she took a sip of her wine. Raymond had left her with Bright and Kelly as he followed his parents, greeting friends and business partners.

His brother sat back with his wife by his side not bothering to engage in any lengthy conversation with other guests.
Michael was a lawyer and a quiet type. As the first son, everyone expected him to follow their fathers path but he chose his own career.
His father was disappointed and everyone knew but he never hated Michael for his decision.

The foods were served and everyone ate, talking and laughing as the DJ entertained them with good music.

Michael and his wife excused themselves and left the table to meet some friends. Minutes later, Bright and Kelly went to the dance floor.
Sipping her wine quietly, Jasmine felt uncomfortable with the awkward silence between her and Raymond.

"You look beautiful." Those were the soft words that finally came out from Raymond's lips.

A pink shade coloured her cheeks and she looked at him. "Thank you." She smiled.

"Jasmine." Her name tasted sweet, rolling off the tip of his tongue as he took her hand into his.

She shivered under his touch as he held her hand, images of his hand in her hair and his wet lips on hers flashed back to her. She looked at his hand that held hers and then at his face, and she had a discomforting suspicion that he had read her thoughts far too accurately.

"I was thinking." He curled his fingers over hers, "maybe we could have a talk once we get back to the house,"
he said, holding his gaze.

Her nerves tingled as she knew what he wanted to talk about.
Her mind quickly raced with questions that were unsettling.
She knew he wanted to talk about the kiss but she thought, what if he regretted it? What if he doesn't want her to work for him again? But what if he liked it and maybe, just maybe he wanted more.

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