chapter 3

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Raymond got out from his Ferrari 488 spider as he carried his suitcase, while making a call.

He was dressed in a black suit, navy tie and white shirt, which hugged his muscular body. He wore black shining Italian shoes and a rolex watch on his right wrist. His short black hair was geled and styled perfectly. He was tall and his body was tanned.
He was well shaved as he didn't like to grow his beards. He had deep- set brown eyes, prominent jawline, aquiline nose and his lips was pink and full.

He could leave any woman gasping and drooling over his handsome face and sexy body. No one could resist such a handsome man and you only had to pray to the Lord to fight back the temptation.

"I'm deeply sorry." He apologized over the phone as he headed inside the gallery. The speaker at the other end sounded really angry and loud.

"It's totally my fault and I'm so sorry sir. But I promise you, I'll see to the matter immediately."

He tried explaining to his client,Mr Park, in a calm and apologetic tone but deep down, Raymond was so angry that his assistant wasn't able to deliver to their client.
As Raymond walked inside the building, he didn't respond to the greetings of his employees but headed straight for the big stairs and climbed upstairs.

"Thank you sir and I apologise once again," he said but Mr Park said nothing and hung up.

Raymond stood in the big hallway as he exhaled sharpely through his mouth and then put his phone in his pocket and walked ahead.

His secretary saw him coming and quickly packed away the food she was about to devour. The short brunette got up with her note pad and rushed to meet him.

"Good afternoon sir." She greeted him with a smile.

He ignored her as he walked past her with an angry look on his face and entered his office, slamming the door hard behind him.

The sound from the door scared his secretary and she didn't dare rush in immediately. She had worked with Raymond for three years and knew already that he wasn't in a good mood.

Raymond was usually friendly with his employees, both at the gallery and his father's company. They respected and admired him because of his good nature.
He was social with everyone, but whenever he was in a foul mood, he could be very harsh and tend to be violent most times.

Raymond dropped his suitcase on the well crafted big table, tossed his car key next to his bag and took off his jacket, hanging it on the hook .
He sat down heavily on his chair and arched his brows, a deep frown on his face as he loosened his tie.

His office at the gallery was big, white leather chairs, floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of Gainesville skyline that looked through the city. There were paintings and photographs hanging on the walls and some sculptures and European artifacts were arranged neatly on the big shelf. He had his own private studio which was next to his office.

His secretary was still outside, counting to fifty because that was the amount of time she knew by then he would be a bit calm and wouldn't shout at her. Sometimes it worked, most times it didn't.

"Fifty." His secretary breathed out and then straightened her jacket before knocking at the door lightly.

Raymond told her to enter which she did, closing the door quietly behind her.
She walked up to him and stood in front of his desk
"Good afternoon sir." She greeted, keeping a smile on her face.

"Where is Williams?" He questioned, not returning her greeting.

"I don't know sir, he hasn't yet come to work," she said.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, glaring at her.

"I haven't seen him since he left here last night to give Mr Park his paintings." She tried to explain,
"And Mr Park had been calling the office all day. I tried calling you but it went to your voicemail."

"Yeah, I was in an important meeting with some clients so i switched off my phone. Though, I was just on the phone with Mr Park before i came in and he wasn't really happy. He had been calling me since last night and I didn't even know till this afternoon."
He sighed and touched his brows.

"Yes, he's definitely not happy," she said with a snort.

He squinted his eyes at her, seemingly annoyed that she was taking the whole situation as a joke. The last thing he needed was his secretary trying to provoke him the more. She was sarcastic and had a huge sense of humor but he wasn't in a really good mood at the moment.

"I'm sorry sir," she apologized, looking away from his angry gaze. She felt embarrassed as her cheeks turned crimson red.

"You are sorry?" It sounded more like a mockery than a question from his lips.

He stood up from his chair, placed his hands on the desk and leaned towards her. "Yesterday was his wife's birthday and Mr Park had requested those paintings as a gift to his wife," he said and stood straight, walking towards her.

"Everything was going perfectly and it was time for the big finale, time to wow his wife but the gift was not present even till the end. Till the fucking end Gloria," he said harshly.

She shook when he called out her name and stepped back slowly. Gloria easily got scared and would often cry whenever Raymond was angry and shouted at her.

"Do you have any idea what a fool he must have made himself in front of everyone and especially his wife. Do you?" He questioned angrily, standing in front of her.

She took another step back, avoiding his gaze as she bent her head, not saying a word.

"Do you have any fucking idea what a fool you guys have made me, DO YOU?"
He asked in a loud angry tone, his dark eyes piercing her poor soul.

She couldn't say a word or even raise her head up to look at him cause she was frightened.
what could she possibly say to calm him down?

He let out a long sigh. "That man is my biggest client and it's gonna cost both you and Williams if I loose him." He said angrily, breathing heavily as he looked at the little and scared figure before him.

"I trusted you and Willams to take care of Mr Park and now you guys have fucking cost me a fortune,God!"
He exclaimed as he walked back and sat down, exhaling heavily from his mouth.

"Where is Williams, Gloria?" He asked again.

"I don't know sir, I've tried calling him but it's going to his voicemail. I'm telling you..."

"Where is Williams, GLORIA?" He banged his fist hard on his desk, scaring the life out of her.

She stepped back in fear, her heart skipped a beat and she clenched the note pad to her chest.
"I don't know, i don't know sir. I swear." She begged, trembling in fear for what action he would do or the next words that he would say to her. Holding the note pad tight, she could feel her tears building up. She wouldn't want to cry in his presence or he would get pissed off.

"You don't know hmm, you don't know." He shook his head in frustration.

"Now you listen to me." He looked at her with angry eyes, pointing an index finger at her. "You go and do whatever you have to do and find Williams and my painting or else, you won't like what I'm going to do next."

Nodding her head quickly, "Yes sir, yes sir." She stammered.

"Now get the fuck out of my office." He ordered harshly.

She turned and rushed out of his office immediately, closing the door quietly behind her. Leaning her back on the door, she placed a palm over her mouth as the tears finally came out.

Hey lovelies (◕ᴗ◕✿).
What do you guys think about our MC, Raymond?

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