chapter 24

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It was late evening as Jasmine got down from the taxi, carrying two big grocery bags in her arms as she told the taxi driver good night with a warm smile on her face.

Oblivious of her surrounding, Jasmine didn't notice the black SUV that was parked across her apartment. She didn't notice the man in the car that was taking shots of her with his Digital SLR camera as she got out from the taxi and walked inside the building.

Jasmine climbed the stairs slowly and when she got to her flat, she dropped the bags at her door step and brought out her keys and unlocked the door.
Picking the heavy bags up, she entered inside and kicked the door shut with her right heel.

She walked into the kitchen and placed the bags gently on the small counter.

She took off her handbag from her shoulder and dropped it on the counter. letting out a long sigh, she placed a palm on her forehead and leaned her back on the counter.

"Hey," Christain said as he entered the kitchen and walked up to her.

"Hey." She turned to him, giving him a small smile as she opened one of the grocery bags and took out a bag of frozen chicken.

"Let me help you with that." He offered and helped her to unpack, putting things in the fridge and cabinet.

She went to the sink, filled a glass with water and gulped it down quickly. She belched lightly as she dropped the glass on the counter.

"A laptop was delivered today under Christine's name,"Christain said in a soft tone, looking at her.

"Yeah."She turned to him and leaned back on the counter. "I bought it for her," she said.

"Why?" He questioned as he folded his arms with a frown on his face.
"You promised you would get me one and now you got her one, I don't understand."

She exhaled lightly through her mouth. "Yeah I know. But I thought I should get her one first, you know, as an apology for what happened that night." She explained softly, hoping he would understand.

He shook his head, sighing deeply. "It's alright,i understand."

"Hey." She placed her hands gently on his shoulders as she pulled him closer to her. "I will get you one once I get my paycheck at the end of the month, I promise you." She rubbed his cheeks softly.
"You can be using my laptop for now, and please don't use Christine's own. She might trip off."

He pushed her hand off his cheeks gently. "Yeah whatever," he said with a snort.
"I'm fine with it though. My boss gave me a laptop at the office but I can't bring it home, so I guess I'll be using yours then," he said.

"Okay." She smiled and leaned closer as she stood on tip toes, placing a kiss on his forehead and tousled his hair. Christain was always understanding and she loved how he never bothered her about getting something for him.

He swatted her hand off. "Stop that," he said irritably.

She chuckled, letting go of his hair."Could you make us some dinner, i'm gonna go take a quick shower now,"she said to him as she grabbed her bag.

"What should I make?" he asked, opening the fridge.

"Anything please, the kitchen is all yours," she said with a chuckle, walking out of the kitchen as she went straight to her room.

She opened the door and saw Christine sitting on the chair, her head facing towards the ceiling as her finger tips played with the ring on her lips.

Jasmine entered inside, closing the door. "Hey," she said to Christine as she sat down heavily on the bed.

Christine looked at her as she let go of the ring and sat upright. "Hey," she said to Jasmine in a low tone.

Jasmine looked at Christine, her lips parted slightly as she was shocked that christine replied to her. She then noticed the laptop was out of the box and was now on the desk.

"Thanks for ...for ..the laptop," Christine said uneasily, looking at her fingers on her laps.

Jasmine let out a sigh of relief, smiling widely.
Ever since that night, Christine had never said a word to Jasmine. Jasmine hoped that the laptop would make Christine forgive her.
"You're welcome." She smiled at Christine.

"Congrats on your new job too," Christine said, still not looking at Jasmine as she fumbled with the hem of her hoodie.

Jasmine's heart swelled with joy as a big smile spread across her face.
She hated it when she fights with Christine. She just wanted things to be okay between them, that's all she longed for in her heart eversince their parents and sister's death.

Jasmine got up from the bed and knelt in front of Christine. She took Christine's hands into hers as she looked at her.

Christine looked at Jasmine and then at her hand but said nothing and didn't try to pull away.

"I'm really sorry about that night christine. I swear i..."

"Don't talk about that night again." Christine cut her off in an agitated tone.

"You're right I shouldn't." Jasmine nodded. "I just want us to put everything behind us and you know, try and live in harmony with each other," she said to Christine softly with concern etched on her face.

"Easy for you to say," Christine said coldly as she pulled her hands away from Jasmine.

"I can't put it away Jasmine, i just can't." Christine shook her head and sniffed, trying hard to hold back her tears.

"Oh Christine." Jasmine looked at her broken sister as her heart sank.

"I still see them Jasmine. I always see them. You just don't understand how I feel, no one does." Christine choked, tears forming in her eyes.

"They are gone because of me Jasmine." She looked at Jasmine with tearful eyes.
"If ...if only I never told them to go back for that stupid dress, if... if only kalisha had stayed back."
Tears flowed from her eyes as she put her face in her palms and broke down in tears.

"Christine." Jasmine shuddered, tears forming in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Christine.

Christine hugged her tightly as hot tears rolled down her cheeks. "It's all my fault." Her breath hitched in her throat as she cried on Jasmine's shoulder.

"Hushh." Jasmine whispered softly, rubbing Christine's back gently. "Its not your fault Christine okay, it was never your fault."

Jasmine tried soothing her as Christine's body shook as she cried heavily. "It's alright baby, everything is alright." Jasmine placed a kiss on Christine's hair as she whispered soft words to calm her .

Jasmine wished there was a way she could take away the pain from Christine. It had been ten years already but yet Christine was still grieving and never stopped blaming herself for their parents and Little kalisha's death.
Seeing Christine this way, always broke Jasmine's heart and despite the fact she acted strong, she still cried with Christine every time they stayed this way.

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