chapter 18

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Sitting down in Gloria's office, Jasmine glanced around, admiring the art works hanging on the walls. "You have a nice office."

"Oh, thanks but it's not really my office." Gloria chuckled.

Jasmine looked at her with a confused look.

"The former assistant got into an accident and won't be coming back to work until after six months. So, I was promoted from secretary to assistant. it's temporal though." Gloria explained to her.

"Oh, i see."Jasmine nodded.

"Can I see your resume."Gloria requested.

"Yeah sure," Jasmine said as she brought out her resume from her bag and handed it to Gloria.

Gloria took it, opened the file and went through it.

Jasmine glanced back at the paintings and photographs in the office to distract herself.

Gloria then typed on her system to open Jasmine's profile. "Wow! You worked as an art dealer for Pearland Art gallery?" Gloria sounded surprised.

Jasmine turned to her and smiled. "Yeah. I worked there before i moved over here, " she said.

"That's cool."Gloria nodded as she kept her eyes on the screen. "I've been there once for their exhibition. It's really a beautiful place."

Jasmine smiled."Yep, it sure is," She said and looked at a photograph of a little boy in the fields hanging on the wall. She hoped that Gloria wouldn't ask her why she left there and moved away. That wasn't a topic she felt comfortable with.

"Uhmm Jasmine..."

"Yeah." Jasmine turned to her as she smacked her lips lightly.

"Your last interview was at Shelley's cosmetics, right?" Gloria questioned.

"Yeah." Jasmine nodded.

"Well, it says here that you threatened and attacked the general manager because he refused to give you the job as a sales rep,"Gloria said with a puzzled look on her face.

"What!" Jasmine exclaimed with wide shocking eyes.

"That's what it says,"Gloria said, turning the system to Jasmine.

Jasmine leaned closely and read the report on the screen. "What the fuck!" She was completely shocked and dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what she was reading. "That mother fucker accused me of attacking him!" She cussed in a high angry tone.

"Could you please not raise your voice," Gloria told her softly. Gloria always felt uncomfortable when people used loud tones around her.

"I'm sorry." Jasmine apologized calmly, exhaling sharply. "Look Gloria, i swear to you, that was not what happened," Jasmine told her, clenching her fist under the table.

"So something did happen?" Gloria arched her brows.

"That son of a bitch wanted to have sex with me before giving me the job. He tried to harras me Gloria and yes, I attacked him. But it was self defense and not because of the job."Jasmine explained to her.

"He tried to harras you sexually?" Gloria was baffled.

"Yes he did and I gave him a beating he wouldn't forget in a hurry. But then he started talking shit about making sure I never get a job and now that bastard has lied against me. Please Gloria you have to believe me, I swear."
Jasmine begged, hoping that Gloria would believe her own side of the story.

Gloria stayed silent for awhile. After a few seconds passed, she leaned closer and exhaled deeply. " I believe you Jasmine," she said.

Jasmine sighed in relief, so grateful that Gloria finally believed her. "Thank you."

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