40) Breaking Her

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Author's Point of View



Aditya walked around like a mad man when he found Amu missing after the event. He had no idea whether she left or not. But that wasn't possible because her friends who had accompanied her to the event haven't left. Besides he had guards all over the area and he would know if amu had left the venue.

"Come on. Pick up!"he muttured impatiently as he called her continuously over the phone.

"Sir..."Robin came to him, panting.

"I need to talk to you"

"Not now Robin. I'm in the middle of something"

"I know but its about Amulya madam"he said and Aaditya paused.

"What about her? Is she okay? Did you keep an eye on her?"he asked impatiently.

Robin handed over his tab to Aditya without saying a word. He took the tab and a camera recording was playing. Aadi had secret cameras all around the venue and no one was aware about it.

He saw Amu being attacked by Advay as he drugged her and took her to the adjacent room. Aadis heart started thudding at the utmost. Fear gripped his heart as he recalled what advay tried to do with Amu in Paris

"Son a bi*ch! Robin block the entry and exit gates now. I don't want anyone leaving this area without my permission" Aadi said

"Ok sir"

Aaditya ran to the lift with a pounding heart. He prayed to all the gods to keep amu safe. He didn't wanted anything happen to her. He very well knew how sick Advay is. He pressed the button to the ground floor. With each passing minute his body engulfed in cold. Fear of losing her gripped his heart. Tightly gripping his riffle, he tried to calm himsef a bit.

He reached the ground floor and dashed outside the lift. He started running towards the room as fast as he could.

"Amu!"the moment he opened the door someone tried to push him away and tried to run. Aadi kicked his feet as he fell on the ground. Without thinking twice he shot the man in his hand causing him to yell in pain as he bleeded.

It was Abhay.

"Mother f*cker!"he yelled and shot him again, this time in his thigh. Abhay growled in pain

"Where is amu you son of a bi*ch?"Aadi screamed as he kicked him. Abhay growled and pointed towards the door. Aadi left him there and the sight in front of him was equal to his death.

There was amu lying in bed. Unconscious. She was barely covered in sheets. There were cuts and bruises all over her body. Her lips were swollen so was her body. Her breath was slow as if she was slowing loosing her life. Numbness, pain and shock. That's all he felt.

"Amu"he shouted and ran towards her. He took her in his arms.

"Sweetheart. Open your eyes amu. Oh my God"for the first time tears rolled down in his cheeks finding her in that state. He took off his coat in a hurry and covered her with that. He hugged her tightly to his chest.

"Nooooo"he yelled at the top of his voice as he felt his insides getting churned.

"You're okay. You're going to be okay sweetheart. I won't let anything happen to you"he hugged her tighter and took her in his arms. He dashed outside the room. By the time, Robin had come back with some of his men and took abhay with them.

"Sir we found advay and nandan--"Robin paused as he saw aadi coming out with an unconscious amu in his arms

"Take the car. Ask them to take the damn car. I need to get her to the hospital. Now!"Aadi screamed.

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