23) Is he Innocent?

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Amulya's Point Of View


"Ah"I screamed jerking up from my sleep. My breath stopped for a moment as I got a nightmare flashes of that horrible night of my life. I was scared. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I wiped my face with my cold and shivering palms

"Sweetheart!"I heard his voice besides me. He switched the lights on and rushed towards me.

"Amu what happened? You're fine right?"he said worriedly cupping my cheeks. I closed my eyes and pushed him away.

"I'm fine. It's just a nightmare"I said as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. He poured a glass of water and gave it to me. I drank it slowly and composed myself.

"Are you sure?"he asked making me loose my sense.

"Please stop it Aditya. How many times I've asked you to stop showing me your fake concern. How many times did I beg you to leave me that night? You didn't even hear me out once. You tore me apart , mercilessly. I can't bear it with anymore. Just stay away from me"I shouted at top of my voice and lay on the bed to sleep. He moved away from the bed and walked to the couch. I sighed and wiped my tears off. Unknowingly sleep occupied me.

Next day as soon I woke , I felt pain rising in my lower abdomen. I walked to the washroom to do my morning activities. But I realised that I've got my periods. The pain was horrible and I couldn't even walk properly. I took a quick shower and stepped outside the washroom.

I went back to bed and sat there for some time. Suddenly Aditya barged Inside the room. He was in his blazer and was ready to leave for office.

"Sweetheart? Why aren't you ready yet? Com downstairs and have your breakfast"he said walking towards me. I kept mum as the pain got higher and higher.

"I'm not hungry. I'll have it later"I said and squeezed my eyes shut , clutching my tummy. He looked on for a moment.

"I'm can't come to office today. You please leave"I said biting my lips to cope up with the pain

"No it's okay. I'll stay back here with you"he said making me sigh in anger.

"Why? I'm I school going child? I know how to take care of myself. You may leave"

"But Amu you're unwell and--"

"Please go. I want to take rest and I can't talk anymore"I said and lay on the bed. He walked outside the room. I tried to sleep , thinking that I'll feel better after a nap but it only worsened.

My stomach was growling , feeling so empty. With difficulty , I walked downstairs and saw the breakfast kept ready in the table. There was a note , a rose and two big chocolate bars besides it.

Have your food and take complete rest. See you in the evening. Love you sweetheart ♡

I threw the paper away and sat on the chair. I started having breakfast. I felt much better after giving relief to my stomach.

Though I was angry on him , I carried all the chocolates upstairs and started having them too. I felt the pain slowly subsiding. I have read somewhere that dark chocolates helps in reducing the menstrual pain. That's when reality dawned upon me

How did he got to know about my periods?

I was too tired to think about it. I slowly got lost in my thoughts.

Almost one and a half month passed by , after our marriage. Everything happened so quickly in life and it took me time to realise where I was right now. The people who always stood besides me , is missing from my life. I have no one to call me as my own. Instead here I'm , in a big hell with a monster.

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