- Chapter- Sixty- Three -

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Zac sat there for a moment, regretting everything. Zac got up and picked the papers up and started reading them, Tears immediately started dropping, it's brought him back to the old times with Jeremiah.

Zac knew Fatima was right, he knew If Gia wasn't gone say anything, then venting her was the best option. In the folder where it talked about Gia son, Zac just stared at the picture of the little boy. It hit him hard and he couldn't do nothing but cry.

Fatima was upstairs pissed, it was taking everything in her not to leave out the house, but her and Zac agreed that they won't leave out the house mad at each other, Fatima was giving Zac sometime to confront Gia, Fatima didn't really want her to leave she actually felt bad for the girl, but all she wanted from the jump was for her to be honest with her..

The same way Gia went to bat to try to protect her son, fatima just wanted the same energy. Fatima was in the bathroom just crying her eyes out, the person she needed the most, she couldn't even depend on him.

Zac made his way upstairs to the bedroom, where he heard fatima crying, his heart sank.

Zac: - knocking on the door - T? - continue to knock - I know you in there fatima please open the door.

Fatima: - in a low tone - Please leave me alone Zac, we have nothing to say to each other remember?

Zac: Can please just open the door, I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry. Can you just open the door?

Fatima: - silent -

Zac: Babe? Come on? Please just open the door? Why acting like this?

Fatima: -Opens door - NIGGA ARE YOU BEING DEADASS RIGHT NOW? Zac please don't make me deck you in your shit nigga.

Zac: I'm sorry, you didn't deserve any of that I'm an asshole I know.

Fatima: I'm glad that something we can both agree on, you're an asshole, like really Zac that's how you talk to me? Then you smack the papers out my hand, I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to nip that shit in the bud, like at this moment right now I'm so done with you, just please leave me alone Zac. Just please go back downstairs that's all I ask of you.

Zac: I ask you not to do something, you do it anyways.. but I'm the bad guy? Come on Fatima.

Fatima: My number one priority is my fucking children safety, so honestly Zac ... FUCK HOW YOU FEEL! - slams door and lock it back -

Zac: - Shakes his head -

Zac left out the room, he went to Gia room and told her to come downstairs, she told him she'll be down in a couple minutes, Zac waited in the living room for her..about five minutes Gia came downstairs.

Zac: Victor?

Gia: - Drops cups - What did you just say?

Zac: So this whole time you been lying to me saying you wasn't hiding nothing, when turns out you been hiding a lot of shit, really Gia? You just put my family in a bad situation!

Gia: You vented me? I thought I can trust you and that's what you do to me? Really bro?

Zac: Man I don't wanna hear that bullshit Gia, I asked you multiple times what was going on, and you just brush it off, I had a 2 year old nephew and you didn't even make that known, and you wanna take about some trust when you been hiding shit from me and my wife I let you in my home with my FUCKING CHILDREN THE LEAST YOU COULD OF DID WAS BE HONEST

Gia: Z I was supposed to come out and say "oh SOME NIGGA was beating my ass" I'm fucking drowning Zac I SEE YOU WITH YOUR KIDS AND ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS HOW A NIGGA TIED ME UP AND BEAT MY SON TO DEATH WHILE I JUST WATCHED - getting emotional- you think that's something I wanted to talk about? Let's not forget you made me RUN!

Zac: So me protecting you is my fault now? Don't do that Gia I did everything in my power to try to keep you safe. You right and I'm sorry nobody deserved what you went through but you should of said something this nigga is still out here like come on Gia you ain't thinking about nobody but your self what if this nigga found you  and you was with my kids? Then what Gia?

Gia: He has a warrant out for his arrest Z there no way he's coming all the way to the A, I never told him where I was from. He doesn't even know that I have fucking brothers, so you venting me and not knowing my side I don't like that. But it's okay - crying - I'll get my things I'll leave, if I'm such a danger to your family.

Zac: A nigga like that, he will go the extra mile to find you Gia, you think you know but I know what niggas like him is capable of. He will kill anyone in the process to try and find you.

Gia: Are you done venting me?

Zac: It's like that?

Gia: It's like that.. now if you excuse me I'mma go.

Zac: I'm not stopping you go head.

Gia: That's fine.

Gia went upstairs, and Zac just sat on the couch.. Zac didn't want her to leave but emotions were high so he was saying what he thought was right, that what Zac problems was he wasn't thinking before he speak, he just talks, then regrets what he said later.

Fatima finally made it out the bathroom, Gia was in her room packing up, Fatima was making her way downstairs and seeing Zac on the couch pissed her off again.

Fatima: - Rolling her eyes - You did all that to protect her, now you putting her out?

Zac: - blows his breath - Fatima you literally said she had to go, now that she's leaving it's a problem like make up your mind Fatima.

Fatima: I was mad Zac, but I didn't mean it.. she don't have nobody but you, and after what she's been through it's best she stays here.

Zac: - shaking his head - Tsss like I been staying that Fatima.

Fatima: Zac I wanted you to hear what I was saying, you so stuck on me betraying you, you not even looking at what could of happened if I didn't do it.

Zac: I don't wanna argue with you nomore Fatima I know I get it..

Fatima: There go that ZAC.. always wanna dismiss the conversation because you was wrong.

Zac: Fatima I already apologized to you, what more do you want from me?

Fatima: I want you to act like I'm your wife, and not your fucking girlfriend I'm out here trying to protect you and that's how you repay me? Like I'm not one of you friends or one of those bitches out in the street you need to watch who the fuck you talking to.

Zac: When you start you just don't never stop, like okay Fatima I'm sorry, I'm sorry , I'm sorry you're right I shouldn't have never talked to you like that, again I'm sorry.

Fatima: - rolled her eyes - yeah whatever nigga. - walks away -

Zac: - mumbles- I need to find my side chick, she ain't giving it up no time soon - shakes his head -

Gia came back downstairs with her things, Zac wanted to stop her, but he wanted to see how far she will go.

Gia: I thank you, for these past years this week was the first time I actually felt safe and that I actually had a good night sleep - wiping her tears - but I know sooner or later it will come to the end, I really wish you the best bro.

Zac: Gia - getting up - Come on that be like that.

Fatima: - walks back in - You know you could of just told us right?

Gia: Y'all didn't even gave me a chance to, I've been here a week and y'all vented me, like I'm a fucking human beings, it's takes me awhile to open up.

Fatima: Gia you came to my home and told my husband you had someone track him down, then you was scared to leave the house, like come on girl you made it obvious you was hiding something you're not a fucking child I can't read your mind. You owned us to be honest, and truly I'm sorry for what you been through, I couldn't imagine loosing one of my kids but when you go through something like that whether it takes time for you to open up or not we had the right to know right away, my kids live her Gia.

Gia: - crying - I'm sorry that's all I can stay - opens door -


Gia: Victor?

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