- Chapter - Seventy- Four.

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A couple days have passed, Zac and Fatima was good, Lori and Robin been going through a rough patch. It was going on 11 p.m. Thursday night, The kids and Fatima was sleep, and Zac and Robin was in the back chopping it up.

Zac: I love you bro, and just like you tell me about myself, I'm gone return the favor if you not happy bro, just go on about your business my guy , just because you have kids with someone doesn't me you have to stick around bro.

Robin: I am happy bro, I just don't know how long I can deal with the way she talks to me, or how fucking crazy she acts brother.

Zac: I'm not sticking up for Lori but that's always been how Lori talks, you just have to learn how to deal with it. Lori use that "tough image" because she had to be tough her whole life.

Robin: So you good with the way Fatima talks to you?

Zac: I mean yeah, that's only because I'm a horny fuck and that shit turns me on - laughing- But nah bro all jokes aside, you think Lori is crazy, but she's really just  protective of the people she love, because she never had that foreal man.

Robin: She don't really talk much about her past life, that's deep foreal , instead of me getting on her, I should be seeing why she acts the way she do.

Zac: Exactly my brother, maybe y'all should try therapy, it worked wonders for me and the wife, I mean we still have our days when it seems like therapy didn't mean shit, then we have days where we are just grateful we went to therapy.

Robin: Knowing my wife, I don't think she's going to be to fond with that.

Zac: I see the way my sis looks at you even if you not seeing eye to eye, she loves you bro, and you love her. If y'all don't want to lose each other bro then you have to take them necessary steps not to.

Robin: - smiling- Yeah I do love her, I just think about the first time seeing her, love at first sight. I think her relationship she had with you and T is what driven me to want her, She's phenomenal, wonderful wife, and such an amazing mother but yet she's just so crazy, and when the switch goes off, it like what the fuck brother.

Zac: It's called balance bro, I'm not sure what goes on behind close doors, but the way you just explained to me why you fell in love with her, just shows you want to do life with her forever.

Robin: I do, it's just man I don't kn-

Zac: Let me ask you a question bro, define Lori crazy to you?

Robin: Let me put it like this, we're teaching our children patience right? And everything problems doesn't need a reaction right?

Zac: True.

Robin: When something goes wrong my wife first reaction is to "fight" or use "fighting words"

Zac: But you do know, Lori just be reacting to what people do to her, and what people do to the people she's around, it's not like Lor but acting out for no reason, she rides for the people she loves. Reason why me and my wife never had to question Lori loyalty.

Robin: But then again, Our daughters are going to think it's okay to just act crazy.

Zac: Not true bro, We are raising our children to be better than us, they may pick up on some tendencies, but for the most part they know right for wrong, and how to be calm and collective, well I hope so - sips drink -

Robin: You sure about that brother? Nasir acts just like Lori you say one wrong thing to him the boy is ready to punch somebody.

Zac: My neph just don't like people disrespecting women in front of him, that his problem and I don't blame him, just like Lori is overprotective of everyone she loves, Nasir is overprotective of the women in his life. I'm the same way, you can a test to that bro.

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