Chapter - 113.)

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Deja walked away when Zyla called her a "Tramp" and Zac had cut the target trip short. He didn't play that disrespectful shit.

"UPSTAIRS NOW" Zac holler at Zyla, she's been crying because Zac plucked her on her lips. "You don't talk like that, I don't care who they is" and Zy ran upstairs.

"You can be mad dad, but you can't be that mad.. she only repeating what she hears" Zayden said trying to take up for Zyla.

"Zay I get what you trying to do, but not right now son" Zac said.

"Okay" Zay said leaving the conversation alone and going upstairs to his room. Zyla went on her iPad and called Fatima.

"Mommy" Zyla said sniffling, Fatima had left the crowd to give her full attention to Zyla.

"Mamas, what's the matter baby, why is you crying?" "Daddy hit me, and look" She said showing Fatima her bottom lip it was bleeding. "WHAT THE FUCK" Fatima holler.

Zaria running into the room. "Daddy's coming" and Zyla hurried up hanging up putting her iPad under her pillow.


"T, calm down. She probably did something she had no business doing" Lori said to Fatima who was furious.

"Okay and you're right about that, but her fucking lip was bleeding like how fucking hard did he hit her" Fatima said pissed.

"Now you know Zyla,  it's probably ketchup with her dramatic little ass" Lori said, and Fatima rolled her eyes, calling Zac. But he wasn't answering, she called Zayden still no answer.

"Fatima let that man do his dad shit, I'm pretty sure her ass is good" Madam said to Fatima.

"I never had a problem with him disciplining our children, y'all are missing the point, MY DAUGHTERS LIP IS BLEEDING. Like what the FUCK" She holler.

"Okay calm it down boo, you're up here you need to bring it down a notch" Lori said with stern voice.

"We supposed to be having a good time, and you bitches taking turns being mad" Renee spat.

"I am having a good time, but"

"But nothing T, baby girl is good. If it was something serious I'm pretty sure Zac would of called you by now" Renee said trying to assure Fatima

"Exactly" Lori and Madam said and Unison.


Zac didn't even go into the girls room, he went into his. He was in his feeling about hitting Zyla but she has to know right from wrong.

Zac had now idea her lip was bleeding in his defense, he sat on the bed and pulled his phone out Fatima called him 5 times, and she was calling again. He answered.

"You good baby?" Zac asked concerned. "WHAT THE FUCK ZAC" Fatima holler over the phone.

"Yo what the hell is your problem Fatima?" "Really?" She said.

"Really what?.. you calling my phone yelling talking about "what the fuck" I'm so confused right now, so I'm gone ask you again is you good?" He asked.

"No I'm not, what you hit Zyla for?" she asked and Zac blow his breath. "Because she said some disrespect as shit, that's why" He said pissed.

"And you had to hit her that hard, like come on Zac she's a little girl SHE'S FUCKING SIX"

"Fatima you about to piss me off, it like you condoning what she did BRO"

"I'm not condoning SHIT ZAC! My thing is you hit her and her fucking lip was bleeding" "WHAT?" Zac said jumping up walking to the girls room, they was in their bathroom.

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