Chapter: 137.)

976 80 137

Saturday, 12:15 p.m.

"I KNOW THIS MOTHERFUC- ZAC, you better be playing with me" Heather said, getting pissed off.

"What? You never said how you wanted your money, so $10,000 in pennies it is" Zac said laughing, tossing bags of coins out his trunk on to the concrete.

"This nigga better be fucking with me right now, he better be" Heather said looking up in the sky talking to herself , Zac being petty was only making her more mad.

"You got your money, don't call me for shit else" Zac said tossing the last bag out , then closing his trunk.

"You lucky I don't smack the shit out of you, for that shit you pulled with my son"

"Nigga shut up, and I'm not taking them damn coins. I can't give my dealer fucking pennies Zac"

"Figure it out Heather, I did my part" Zac said lastly, before getting in his truck and speeding off.

Heather did a drama stomp, throwing her body around like she was a toddler, Her neighbors were laughing their ass off.

4 day has passed, out of them 4 days Zac spent 2 of them days going bank to bank collecting pennies. If Zac was anything he was the "King of being petty".

Fatima health was in good shape, Zyla was on her third day of working, so far so good.

Zac wanted to go to the office, and look over the books without any distractions. Money was coming up short, cutting into his children's pockets, Zac asked Bryce to come in for a little bit to discuss the situation , but Bryce declined.

"This why you can't do business with foreign MOTHERFUCKER" Zac mumbled out loud tossing through papers.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK" He yelled frustrated, He texted Bryce letting him know he no longer needed him anymore and he'll mail all his belongings out on Monday, of Course Bryce called him.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS MAN?" Bryce yelled through the phone, before Zac could get a word out.

"Yes I'm serious, money coming up short nigga, this how I feed my fucking family which you don't seem to give a fuck about because you been doing some shady shit motherfucker"

"Zac.. man.. come on. I haven't been doing anything shady, I don't know what you talking about"

"Bro I asked you to come in, so we can discuss this shit, you said NO! So apparently nigga you're guilty of something, it's just best I wipe my hands with you bro.. I appreciate you for putting me on but bro I'm done"

"ZAC, don't do this man. Look I'll make you to you I promise, I can make this up to you man. Rise is all I have"

"Well you should have thought about that before you decided to do some fuck shit" Zac said lastly before hanging up.


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Big L hollered at Heather.

"It- it's your money. I'm sorry I couldn't find a way to cash all the coins in, so half is in cash and the other half is pennies" Heather said in a scared tone.

Everybody knew Big L wasn't the one to be play with, but Heather does what she does best.

Big L got up from his chair, flew over to Heathers way putting his hands around her neck, choking her up against the wall.

"Do you think this shit a game? Why the fuck you keep playing me with me?" Big L spat.

Heather tried her best to speak, but she couldn't get a word out, L's hands was to firm around her neck. "Yo jet, let her go for you kill her fucking ass" one of Big L guys said.

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