Arc 2 | Deserted Village (10) |

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"Has anyone successfully decrypted it?"

The few players in charge of logistics didn't know what was happening, so they heard the system announce that the first phase was over, and a gust of cold wind blew in from the door and window.

Someone rubbed his skin that suddenly had goosebumps: "Do you feel like the surroundings are getting colder?"

"Maybe it's almost nighttime. It's getting dark soon. Wasn't it also very cold last night?"

Another player who was collecting firewood looked at the sky outside. The sky was gray: "Maybe. It looks like it's going to rain. It will still be sunny in the morning. Let's move the firewood in quickly."

The logistics staff are also very hard-working. There are thirty-four players in total. Cooking is not difficult, but they have to do the work of collecting firewood, washing dishes, and cleaning.

Most of the players who work in logistics are timid, otherwise they would not choose to stay in the house. They would rather wash and cook than go out to explore with the old players because they feel that the risks are high outside.

But some of them are not timid, they are just unwilling to take risks, and they often like to be smart. For example, the new player who was picky about rice bran: "The second stage is to escape from the deserted village. Those people in the village will definitely be killed by the exploration team." Attracted, let's take the opportunity to escape!"

There was a female player who seemed very honest and felt that it was not good: "This is not appropriate. I think we are all on the same team. It is better to wait for them to come back." She believed in the old players, at least the old players had experience.

The picky man rolled his eyes: "Idiot, you think those old players will care about us new players casually. Look, they keep us new players here, maybe just so that we can block their swords at critical moments." He said So plausibly, I completely forgot that I didn't want to risk going out and just wanted to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

He also presented strong evidence: "Look, that old player didn't believe us at all. When he went out to explore, he took away most of the food."

Starting from the next day, considering that players who went out to explore might be trapped in the village, the bag of sweet potatoes was distributed in advance. Each person received 3 pounds, and the man in the suit took 4 pounds.

The 30 eggs had already been eaten by 34 people, and 17 of them were divided into half and 17 were removed. The remaining 13 were cooked and placed with the man in the suit. After all, these were his supplies.

I have to say that this sentence was a bit moving, but they still ignored this new player.

"If you want to leave, just leave. We're going to stay behind."

"Don't regret it when I'm the first to complete the mission."

Although there was no one willing to follow him, when escaping, one more person may not be safe. The young male player gritted his teeth, turned around and touched an old sickle, and rushed out with the knife in hand. As long as he breaks out of the village, he is victorious.

He firmly believed that those old players had bad intentions, and when he successfully got out of this ghost place, he must show off to these arrogant guys.

The remaining players visually observed that the new player rushed out of the village entrance. The thick fog shrouding the outside of the village disappeared for unknown reasons. The new player was fine and flew out all the way. He quickly disappeared along the mountain road.

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