Arc 8 | Mahkota Hospital (3) |

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The layout of the fifth floor is exactly as Tan Gui thought. It is a single room. The building is designed in a back shape. The small opening in the middle is the corridor. There are two rows on the first floor, each row has 50 rooms, and there are 100 rooms in total.

His floor is for patient 1100, the fifth floor is for patient 101300, one room, the fourth floor is for 301600, the third floor is for 6011000, the second floor is for ten people, and the remaining 1000 beds are occupied on one floor.

Tan Gui's ward is 20 square meters, which is more than enough for one person. It can accommodate a double bed, as well as various odds and ends. There is a private bathroom and even a place to dry clothes so that they can be exposed to the sun. Living small balcony. For two patients, 20 square meters is quite large. If there are four people in a room on the third floor, each person can have five square meters of space. There are no personal belongings in the ward, so it is spacious enough from this aspect.

But 10 people live in 20 square meters. Excluding the public space for storing sundries, almost only the beds are left. Five beds, 1 meter wide, 2 meters long and 2 meters high, are placed side by side. The beds are divided into upper and lower bunks, perfectly 10 people stayed.

The rest of the extra space is the bathroom and the narrow corridor. Of course, the wardrobe, table and bedside table are gone. The patient needs something that can be hidden on and under the bed.

The director of the hospital proudly said in the promotional video, "This design has greatly improved the patient occupancy rate of our hospital, and also makes it easier for patients with mild symptoms to contact the outside world, which is helpful for their treatment."

That's right, the spaciousness of the ward is divided according to the condition. The higher the level, the more serious the condition. It belongs to the most serious type. There is a diagnosis of the disease on his bedside table. It says that Patient No. 1 has strong hallucinations and hallucinations. Mania, very aggressive.

Hospitals cannot trust such aggressive patients to live together, otherwise the patients are likely to attack each other, leading to serious collective death of patients.

Tan Gui looked from room to room. In order to save time, he and Gui Ying walked separately from the aisles on both sides. There was no room on the 4th floor, no room on the 4th floor, and no room on the 3rd floor. By the time they reached the 2nd floor, Tan Gui was almost sure that Mo Chen was not there. That leaves those crowded rooms.

Even in Chen Xiaomo's copy, in a place like a deserted village, Mo Chen is still the son of the village chief. How could he be so squeamish and willing to share a room with other patients?

Above the third floor is a closed area, and below the third floor is an open area. Open area means that a considerable number of patients do not stay in the ward.

Tan Gui was wearing a white bag, so he naturally met other hospital staff on the way. There are so many medical staff in the hospital, but they get along with their colleagues day and night every day. As long as they are not patients with severe prosopagnosia, they can all recognize their colleagues.

Tan Gui has a face that is hard to forget after seeing him. After he put on Bai Dagua, he added a special temperament brought by the uniform. During the high-speed ward rounds, a nurse asked Tan Gui with a blushing face. "Are you a new doctor? Why have I never seen you before?"

This is a young nurse who appears on the first floor. She works at the consultation desk on the first floor. She has a round face and looks very pleasant and approachable. Because the first floor was very deserted, the little nurse sat idle at her work station and took the initiative to call out to Tan Gui who was looking around.

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