Arc 6 | Ghost Restaurant (12) |

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The return journey went very smoothly. With ingredient No. 18 in hand, Tan Gui took the No. 44 bus back to Menggui Restaurant. Because of the shielded box, he did not provoke other people, and no one had any ideas about him.

Because he slept well in the village, Mo Chen was awake when he returned. And for the sake of fairness, he chose to sit outside this time and let Tan Gui sit inside.

Delicious prey will make people eager to move, but when the prey is surrounded by eager beasts, no one dares to step forward. The old lady dared to do so because Mo Chen was sleeping next to Tan Gui and her love for her grandson clouded her mind.

Arriving at Menggui Restaurant again, Tan Gui once again called the store manager and invited him to discuss in person as soon as possible. He must arrange the share transfer before the end of the mission.

He was able to get ingredient No. 18 so quickly, which surprised the other party. The latter did not delay and arrived at the Ghost Restaurant in the New World Building that afternoon.

Because they were discussing business with the boss, they went up to the third floor of the restaurant. It was very different from the second floor. It occupied a very small area, but there was only one private room. The decoration inside was very unique and looked like the boss's home.

Tan Gui saw familiar furnishings, familiar portraits, familiar scenery and photos in this restaurant.

The restaurant owner is a man in his 30s. He doesn't look like a businessman and has a very elegant temperament. In fact, he looks very young, but the thin lines at the corners of his eyes betray his age. Tan Gui directly calls out the other person's " Name "Chen Xiaomo"

The next second, Mo Chen and his boss looked up together. The latter was stunned for a moment and said, "You know me?"

"It's not the Chenjiacun you asked me to go to. The only place where ingredient No. 18 is produced is Chenjiacun."

Tan Gui said calmly, "You are the village chief's son, right."

When Chenjiacun was mentioned, the latter's expression changed slightly, "How is my father doing?"

"Your father is living a good life, and he is very happy that your mother is with him." Tan Gui continued, "They left a room for you, and the room is full of things you have used."

It was also something he and Chen Xiaomo had used. Of course, there was no need to tell Chen Xiaomo about this.

Tears appeared in Chen Xiaomo's eyes, but as an adult man, he certainly couldn't shed tears. He just pretended to lower his head and wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "The incense in this room is very choking."

"You can be the owner of the Menggui Restaurant, and you can purchase No. 18 ingredients by yourself." Tan Gui didn't understand the necessity of issuing this task. It couldn't be that the system was kind-hearted and deliberately gave him rewards.

"My father always thought that I was alive and well." The fact that Chen Xiaomo would appear here shows that he is not a human being at all. Not only that, he should not have been happy when he died. After all, ordinary weirdos are weak. Being able to become the owner of a ghost restaurant shows that Chen Xiaomo is a powerful ghost in his own right.

It would be fine if Chen Guang helped, but the head of Chenjia Village didn't even know that his son was still alive.

One hopes that the other person can live well, so he keeps a bed and keeps praying for his son. The other wants to prevent his father from being sad, so he is in the spirit world and knows where his hometown is, but he never dares to go back. You can only use players to get ingredient No. 18.

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