Arc 6 | Ghost Restaurant (6) |

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"What did you buy?" Tan Gui and Mo Chen confirmed it, and the latter nodded.

The New World Building area is actually the territory of another large group. Their properties are only available in the area next door. Of course, cross-regional items must be delivered by exclusive couriers.

Originally, according to Mo Chen's plan, he should go to the next area first, rest up, and then talk about returning home, but in that case, time would be delayed for a long time.

Slender green-white fingers fiddled with a corner of the thin quilt: "I told you, I will definitely arrive at night."

The first time he said he would come as soon as possible, and the second time he said he would come in the evening before noon. After that, he directly cut off contact with Tan Gui. According to the original plan, he would definitely be delayed until the next day. Mo Chen wants to say But You Xin, how could he be willing to talk and worry about him.

He changed the subject again: "Does it mean that if I can't contact you all the time, you won't worry about me at all?"

Tan Gui had long been used to him suddenly changing the topic, and he followed Mo Shen's train of thought quite skillfully and retorted: "If I weren't worried about you, who was the person waiting for you outside yesterday?"

He pinched Mo Chen's thigh gently and said, "You little heartless one."

The latter was like a cat whose tail had been touched. His arrogance suddenly disappeared, and his voice immediately softened. The sound of knocking on the glass interrupted Mo Chen's Ying Ning: "Please sign for your express delivery as soon as possible."

Tan Gui stood up and closed the window, checked the information with the owl courier, and filled the whole room with couriers. He even temporarily opened the next room because Mo Chen bought too many things to fit in one room.

It took the two of them most of the day just to check and accept the package. However, there were a lot of new clothes in the express delivery. Mo Chen finally had clothes that fit him. He no longer looked like a pitiful and embarrassed person yesterday, but became proud and proud again. Expensive young master.

Tan Gui also changed his outfit. All the clothes, shoes and accessories that Mo Chen bought were for two people. Of course, he had to wear the same ones as Mo Chen.

While dealing with things, Mo Chen suddenly asked abruptly: "How many days will it take this time?"

Some things cannot be said too straightforwardly. Mo Chen cannot ask how many days the Tangui mission copy is, nor can he ask him what the content of the mission copy is. Although he is very powerful, he is also bound by the rules.

"I think we can check out of the hotel later and find a short-term rental nearby for a month."

Tan Gui didn't give a straightforward answer, but he seemed to hint at something.

One month! Yesterday has passed and there are still 29 days left! Mo Chen hung on Tan Gui happily, looking so slimy that he looked like a koala.

During the meal that day, Tan Gui went to Menggui Restaurant again and took Mo Chen to the private room. The man who wanted to trick him before has disappeared from the player team because he was always worried about his revenge, his mentality collapsed, and his ability itself was not good enough.

However, the other four old players must have many more tricks than the new players. An old player died yesterday, and the other four are all new players. Even though it was only one day, the attitude of these players has changed quite obviously.

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