Arc 8 | Mahkota Hospital (7) |

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No longer in the dreamland, Tangui's system mall can buy things again. Think about it, as long as it is not a special situation like a single-player advanced mission, the system has never restricted them from spending money.

And even if it was a single-player mission that could not be used for anything at the time, the system did not let him spend less at all. In order to acquire the Ghost Restaurant, he even spent more than usual.

A profiteer who significantly increases the price of important materials before entering the dungeon and after entering the dungeon will not easily lock in his own channels for making money. Players can obviously spend money in the mall, but they die immediately without the money to spend. How can the system do such a loss-making transaction?

The rich Tangui bought a gas mask that had increased tenfold in price in the system mall, and also bought several sets of protective clothing to ensure that he would not be infected again. Then he called the somewhat angry Ghost Baby to follow him, "Let's get out of here first." , go to the basement."

When the two of them left, Tan Gui, fully armed, packed the small bottle and threw it into the medical waste trash can to prevent anyone from being accidentally infected.

After they left, a black mist emerged, and the other party bared his teeth and claws at Tan Gui's back with a very angry expression.

"Damn, hate, hate, hateful guy"

Obviously, this black mist is the culprit that caused that strange dream.

The mental hospital in reality is very similar to the mental hospital in the dream. Obviously, the mental hospital itself is the reason why the dream is weird. From the moment all players enter the mental hospital, everyone falls into a strange trap.

The flowers and plants in the mental hospital, the passing black shadows, and all living creatures are all represented by some strange eyes. These eyes observe every player, greedily wanting to capture these fresh prey.

No one has come to this place for a long time, and Menggui, who has been hungry for a long time, is eager to eat all the prey. The mental hospital is originally a place full of madmen. The madmen's fantasies are combined into resentment, and there is such a special and strange thing that can pull people into dreams.

Of course, there are still many restrictions on the scope of use of Menggui's skills. For example, the inhaled anesthetic is not something that Menggui can produce, but the product of this hospital itself. If you want to rely on your own ability to make it When a person enters a dream, the dream must continue to become stronger.

If it can become a ghost king, it can use its ability to force people into dreams, and then weave dreams to absorb these nutrients and continuously strengthen itself. After becoming stronger, the digestion ability will be stronger in a short period of time, and more prey can be consumed at one time.

When Tan Gui entered the operating room, the special small bottle that he accidentally broke was actually the inhalable anesthetic that Menggui had prepared before. After inhaling it, people would immediately fall into a dream.

Menggui was the first to find his prey. What he was looking for was not Tangui, but other players. Those humans looked startled and pale. They looked delicious at first glance and were very easy to catch.

In fact, this is also the case. Everyone is working hard to improve their speed and agility, and often neglects to exercise their mental strength. High-end players like Tan Gui, who are calm and rational and have very strong confidence in themselves, can accidentally fall into the trap. Not to mention other players, just a small drop of potion can be easily placed on these fragile human players.

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