Arc 8 | Mahkota Hospital (5) |

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Tan Gui walked quickly to the end of the corridor. The medical staff who had previously blocked the corridor had completely disappeared. The entire closed 6th floor became very quiet again, with only the dirty ground and the disinfectant in the air. The smell of water and blood proves they've been here before.

Tan Gui did not visit his neighbor first, but went to the door of room 100 first. He also had a key in his hand, a special brass key. Although the brass key was only a blue prop, as long as there was a lock, The key can open the door of the hole.

The reason why he didn't open the iron door before going out was because the brass key would directly damage the keyhole and be easily discovered by the hospital. If he really wanted to open the lock of the door, he would have to wait until the last day to talk about returning home.

Tan Gui once again took a look at the description of the props. He saw that the brass key still had 5 chances to unlock the door. As for Renai Hospital where there are many doors everywhere, Tan Gui did not want to waste the number of times on the doors. He looked at the room door through the observation window. Inside, I saw the head of a sika deer.

Patient No. 100 is a very weak-looking deer-headed man. Tan Gui saw him before he was given the medicine. At that time, he had very beautiful horns on his head, which were big and strong, like two very beautiful horns. coral.

But now, most of the horns have been cut off, and blood is still oozing from the area wrapped with gauze. The deer-headed man has taken medicine, and his eyes have lost their previous vividness and beauty. He sits blankly on the ward, nervous. gnawing on his fingers.

As for treatment, there will obviously always be some sequelae. Patient No. 100 is probably suffering from sequelae now. Of course, it may also be his mental illness.

Tan Gui did not waste the number of times he opened the door on No. 100. The other party seemed to have suffered too much, and he couldn't ask anything at this time.

Along the way, the patients in the ward are not normal, and many are holding their heads and going crazy. This also proves that the sound insulation effect of the room door is really good, and the walls are not made of cardboard or thin foam bricks. It's a thick brick wall. These patients banged against the door of the room and could not be heard in the corridor.

Maybe there is a metal layer inside the wall, because Tan Gui tried it and there was no electronic signal in the ward, just like inside the elevator.

He arrived at the door of room 10 and knocked politely outside, "Hello, can I come in?"

Tan Gui was not wearing the blue and white hospital gown, but was still wearing the white coat from Xingfu Community General Hospital. This white coat was his prize after completing the SS-level mission. Wearing it could improve his persuasiveness, which was very useful. Help him communicate with strangers.

No. 1 saw a sliver of white on the small window. It was still a simple and crude word, and the voice sounded very powerful: "Go away"

Very good. Considering No. 10's previous attitude towards medical staff, Tan Gui took this word as a welcome to himself, so he gently opened the door and entered the ward. He looked around the door of Room No. 10. He had gone to check the ward before. When I visit, I always look inside through the glass window on the door. The field of vision is quite limited and even if I take a quick glance, I will overlook a lot of details.

They were on both sides of the corridor. The pattern of the door of Room No. 10 was almost exactly the same as his, forming a mirror image relationship. After entering, Tan Gui also discovered why No. 10 was grumpy. Although his room door was not locked, But there are two anklets on the feet. The one that looks quite heavy to the naked eye is firmly tied to the head of the bed. Hospital beds are different from beds at home. Each bed is poured directly on the ground. on, tightly connected with the hospital building.

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