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The evening rolled around quickly, I had never been one to be the first one in the club but tonight was different, I was working. My hair had been dyed blonde before the evening, tonight I was Tillie Neill, not that I expected to be shouting my name out to anyone. 

Bea had given me an outfit for the evening, a corset-like top that was pinstripe with a matching short skirt, she'd provided me with a pair of black heels to finish the outfit off. She had put me on upper bar duty this evening, well supervising, so I could see how it worked. 

The evening started off well, I spent time watching how things were made, noticing how upstairs was VIP only and not the loud rowdy type either. It reminded me of the clubs my father conducted business in, the kind of place you could go and not draw attention to yourself. 

My radio that was on my hip crackled before I heard Bea's voice calling for back up out back. I radioed back before I headed away if she needed backup that was my job this evening. My feet throbbed as I finally made it to the back area taking my gun from my skirt waistband and walking around before I saw Bea. 

"We've got to get her some help!" She called to me.

I ran over and saw a girl in uniform laying on the floor foaming at the mouth, "Call an ambulance, Bea." I told her as I put the girl into the recovery position, something Liam had taught me when I was with him. "We have to get her to the hospital."

"No ambulances, treat her here!" Bea snapped as I cleared the young girl's airways. 

My mind was racing, right now this girl's life was in my hands since Bea was not going to call the emergency services. Suddenly, the young girl's body started to shake uncontrollably as I realised she was having a fit. "You need to call an ambulance now!" I shouted as I cleared the surrounding area so this girl didn't hurt herself any more than she already was. 

"If I call them then the police are coming too," she told me calmly. "Remember you aren't supposed to be here, Ell." 

Narrowing my eyes I did my best with the young girl before finally, she came around, the shaking stopped and slowly she sat up. By this point Bea had left us alone, I offered a glass of water to the girl who accepted taking a bit gulp. "Thank you," she mumbled as she wiped her mouth and tried to get her breathing under control. 

"You gave me quite a fright," I told her. "Do you suffer from fits?"

She shook her head, "No. Oh my God," she started to panic as she got to her feet, I steadied her as I stood next to her. "What's happening to me?"

"I think you need to go home and relax," I told her. "See a doctor about it all."

Bea walked in the room and looked in my direction, "If you are sending her home you better be prepared to do her jobs for the rest of the evening."

Shrugging my shoulders I nodded, "Yeah."

The young girl gave me a look of sadness before she scuttled away. Bea pointed to a bag that was hanging on the wall, "I'll see you out there."

Bea left me alone, my eyes landing on the bag before I unzipped it and gasped. In the hanging bag was another outfit, a black leather dress with a pair of leather shorts and heels that had ribbons that seemed to go on forever. I rolled my eyes before I just got on with it and changed into the outfit. 

There was no point in getting all het up about it, I would go out there and do whatever I needed to do before finishing for the night. This was all to prove to Liam that I could be trusted. 

Stepping out of the room I was met by Bea who showed me towards another door. "They are not normally allowed to touch you, but this is a very special client," Bea told me as she smirked at me. "I am pretty sure Liam would have rather you did something else this evening but here we are."

I shook my head before I walked through the door, I furrowed my brow as I looked around my mind confused as I was in a room with just a chair in the middle. I awkwardly stood with my arms crossed as I looked around the room again in case I had missed something. It was just a normal room, the walls and ceiling white, the floor wooden, nothing special. 

"Okay," I spoke to myself before the door opened. I looked up and my eyes widened when I saw who was walking through the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question," the Irish accent filled my ears as he closed the door behind him so it was just the two of us. "I thought you were doing bar work."

Laughing I smiled, "I thought you were a gentleman."

Niall sat on the chair, "Jesus, Ell. A man has needs. I still need a release." He looked me up and down, "This outfit looks good on you, you should wear this stuff more often."

I leaned against the wall and looked at him, "So are you still expecting some kind of dance or something?"

He chuckled, "Why don't you show me what you got?"

Rolling my eyes at him I sighed, "Because you already know my moves are lousy. You have seen me dancing more times than I care to remember."

He stood up and pulled his wallet out, "Best give you some money. I don't want Bea thinking you scared me off." He handed me a handful of notes before he kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you later, Liam had sent me to make sure you are okay here."

"So what you're telling me is after all this time I still don't get any privacy?"

Niall nodded, "Exactly that. See you after work." He exited the room leaving me there like an idiot holding the notes. 

I guess there was no way of proving myself to Liam, he was always going to have someone watching my every move. 

Leaving the room I took the money back through to where another girl was waiting, "You're not Mel," she noted as she looked me up and down. "How come you got so much?" She asked me as she looked at the cash in my hand. 

Shrugging my shoulders I smiled, "I guess I'm just good at what I do."

She narrowed her eyes at me before she walked through the door into the room I had stepped out of. I carried the money until I got to the bar where Bea was standing watching over her club. "Bea!" I called out to her which made her look over at me, a sharp look on her face. 

She hurried to me and took the money from my hands, "All money earned goes into the pot outback." She smiled as she flicked through the notes. "You were quick but this is the most he's ever paid."

"I bet," I laughed as I watched her put the money in her pocket. "What's next?"

Bea pointed to the upstairs, "You can keep that outfit on but you have to return to the bar. Some important clients have arrived, we don't want anything to kick off." She handed me my gun back before she smiled, "Put it in this jacket," she shrugged off her leather jacket and handed it to me. 

Putting it on over my dress I tucked the gun into the right pocket before I walked towards the stairs, my hair falling over my face as I headed up the stairs. Arriving at the top I sat at the end of the bar out of the way, my blonde hair fallen perfectly for me to see people but not show my face to anyone. 

It was strange to watch everyone, almost like I was not supposed to be there. People were strange, coming and going, making deals, smiling, laughing, getting drunk and making threats. Nothing that I was worried about, nothing which would be a cause for concern. So far, this job had been easy.

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