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Niall, Bea and myself were taken to our next place where we would be living, I begged Liam not make me go, I wanted to meet my mum but he said I wasn't ready and made Niall and Bea drag me into the house we'd be living in. I knew he'd never give me the real chance to see her, I hoped that he would but things were looking bleak. 

Now I was sitting in a room alone, this house only had the most essential of items, almost like we weren't going to be there long. I didn't know what plans Liam had for us but I didn't like it. Getting to my feet I walked over to the window, I could see on the street below that Niall and Bea were talking to Liam who was sitting in his car. 

Walking towards the door I opened it and headed to the back of the house, my eyes looking around for an exit. Grabbing hold of the back door handle I yanked it open before I was met with a sheet of metal blocking me. I kicked it angrily as I stared at it, almost not believing that there was another obstacle put in my way. Then it started to fall right in front of my eyes, my eyes widened as I expected a large clatter but as it dropped there was nothing more than a whoosh as it landed on sand that was on the ground. 

I stepped on it and looked around the garden, my eyes almost disbelieving the situation. Then I looked back at the house, this was it, this was my chance right now. Making the decision I went with it, I ran to the back of the small garden before I grabbed hold of the back fence and hoisted myself up, my hands ignoring in the pain of the wooden splinters that were digging into my hands. 

I was scared, I didn't know how I felt other than scared. I was crazy, I shouldn't have done this. It was too late now. Jumping down on the other side I was in an alley, I started to run towards the right, thinking it was the best option. All I could do now was just continue to run, I ran through the alley, my eyes darting around the area as I came to the end of the alley, I ran across the road and down the next alley that was directly opposite. My legs were burning as I pushed myself to keep running, I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth concentrating on that as I kept going. 

The problem was I had no idea where I was, I had no idea who I could use to help me, there seemed to be no one around even though it was only dusk. When I got to the end of the alley I was met with the main road, a dual carriageway. Hoping the barrier I darted across the road, dodging cars before I found myself at the other side. Walking between two buildings I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, leaning against a wall as I put my hands on my knees and leaned forward trying to breathe it off. 

Touching my chest I felt my heart pumping, it was nice to feel so alive, good to feel like my life had a purpose, even if it was running away. I had no idea where I was but I knew that I wanted to just get away, to disappear. There was no better way to disappear than being in a random place if I don't know where I am then surely no one knows either.

"What have I done?" I asked myself as I looked down at the ground beneath me as the reality of my situation kicked in. I couldn't go back now, I didn't even know where I had come from so that definitely wasn't an option. Standing straight I brushed myself off before I walked forward. 

I was met with what I assumed was a town centre, this seemed to be where all the people were. The shops were still open and there were people walking around with many bags, a few groups of awkward teenagers that stay on corners and benches flicking cigarettes. 

Making a beeline towards a smoker I managed to get level with them before I spoke, "Alright mate," I looked at the girl in front of me, my eyes widening as I realised she was someone I actually knew. 

"Do I know you?" She asked, her voice sweet as she looked me up and down, both of us stopping to look at each other. 

Shaking my head I looked at her fag in her hand, "Do you have a spare?"

"Ell, right?" She reached into her bag and pulled out a packet of cigarettes before offering them to me, reaching out I took one as I shook my head at her even though I knew she already knew the truth. "It's me, Shannon, Harry's sister." Then she bugged her eyes at me, "Wait, I thought you were-"

"Dead?" I finished her sentence as I shrugged my shoulders. 

She looked me up and down, her eyes slowly raking over my body, "But how are you even here? Harry said you had died, he told mum that he'd been to your funeral."

I bit my lip as I tucked my hair behind my ears, "Well, there is-"

"Oh my God!" She reached forward, her left hand touching my right cheek, "Your face?" She took her hand back and stared at my cheek, "How is this even possible?

Looking around the nearby area I concluded it was clear before returning my gaze to Shannon, she hadn't changed too much apart from the fact she looked like she had grown up a little, her clothes looked more mature and she seemed to be wearing more makeup than the last times I had seen her. "Can I have a light?"

She nodded before she smiled, "Harry will be happy to know you're actually alive."

"Can you get in touch with him?"

She offered me her lighter as she nodded, "I can try. Our relationship is a bit frayed at the moment, I got myself a boyfriend," she then pulled her phone out and looked back at me. "He's going to be so excited to hear you're alive." She reached forward and hugged me before I lit my fag, "And you look amazing."

My eyes darted around making sure I wasn't being watched before returning the hug. I pulled away first as I lit the cig as I watched her making the call on her phone. She moved the phone to her ear as it started to ring. "Harry?" I heard her speak, "No, wait, listen to what I have to say."

She handed me the phone, I looked down at it cautiously before I put it to my ear. "This had better be good, Shannon. I don't want to hear about your boyfriend dramas, I don't-" It was definitely his voice, something I had wanted to hear for some long. "Shannon, are you even listening?"

My heart was pounding ten to the dozen as I listened to his voice, it didn't even matter that he thought he was talking to his sister, it didn't even matter that he didn't know it was me. Smiling from ear to ear I was so happy to hear his voice. "Hi, Harry."

The silence was all I heard as I turned away from Shannon so she couldn't see my reaction when he spoke. 

"Who is this?" He asked after about a minute of silence. 

I felt my chin start to wobble, my eyes watered as I spoke. "Who do you think it is?" I asked him in return as I bit my bottom lip, my tears falling from my eyes as I knew he thought it wasn't me, how could he think it was me, I was supposed to be dead. 


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