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I had to admit my decision to chase the poor blonde was rash, I mean what would I even say to her? Hi, I'm not sure who you are but you remind me of someone, but I just don't know who. The drive home had been almost unbearable with the thoughts that were racing through my mind as I tried to place the voice. 

Jessica had tried talking to me, actually, she was bragging how she was going to take that girl outside if I hadn't of stepped in. I didn't know what had happened to her, she didn't ever use to be like this, she was sweet, kind, caring, I guess that was why I wanted to take care of her. I didn't want her to end up the same as- Holy smokes, of course, the girl in the club, she reminded me of Elliott, why had I been so blind, so stupid. 

Glancing at Jessica who was still gloating to her cousin and Louis I returned my gaze to the road, my head was pounding from her voice and the radio that she had turned on. Reaching for the button I turned it off before everyone fell silent in the car, I could feel their stares on me as I drove on. 

"What's up, man?" Louis asked breaking the silence first, his voice was wary as he spoke. 

I looked at him in the mirror before looking back at the road, my eyes glanced at Jessica who was also looking in my direction before speaking, "The girl at the bar," I said.

"She was no one," Jessica tried to laugh it off but she was nervous, I could hear it in her voice. 

My eyes returned to the road, "How did she know your name then?"

"Aww, Harry, let's not spoil the evening," Louis tried to intervene staying calm as he spoke. 

"No, no!" I shook my head as I tried to reason with myself, I was not ruining anything. "It was Elliott."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jessica and Louis exchange a look of sadness before Jessica looked at me, "Babe, she's dead. She couldn't have been at the club." She placed a hand on my thigh as we drove, her hand warm even with my jeans on I could feel how hot her hand was. "I know it's coming up the anniversary of her death, I'm thinking about her as well."

I sighed, I was just being paranoid, of course, she wasn't alive. She looked just like her, minus the scar and with blonde hair. Sure this girl looked slimmer and wore clothes I would never see Ell in, she must have just been a look alike. It was just my brain playing tricks on me. 

"Sorry," I muttered as I managed a smile in Jessica's direction. She looked sad now, I had soured the mood of the evening, I was just being delusional right now. 

Jessica had helped me through so much, she'd been there after Ell had passed away. Even though she didn't know how much Ell had meant to me, not from anything I had said, I guess she knew from my actions. After Terry had moved her in I swore I would protect her, I swore that she wouldn't end up dead like Ell. 

I guess she must have felt something too, within six months we were dating, a proper couple. Terry had given us his blessing, in fact, he welcomed it almost encouraging it. We'd had a conversation just after myself and Jessica told him we were a couple where he told me he felt the same about Jessica, the wanting to protect her and keep her close unlike what he had done for his daughter. It was almost like Elliott had been replaced, but she would never be replaced, Jessica or no other woman would ever be like her. 

J E S S I C A F I T Z W I L L I A M 

I noticed how he thought quietly after mentioning her, there was nothing I could say now, if I went on he'd probably grow suspicious, all I could do now was stay quiet. When I got home I'd text Zayn and make sure he was aware of certain things. She was around, she was most certainly still alive and she looked normal. Her face had been taken care of and she looked pretty healthy. She'd most certainly seen Harry, it was hard for her not to have, he was right there, his hand on me and then, he didn't think I noticed but I did, he ran after her. 

When I left her a few years ago I knew she wasn't dead but I hoped that it would only be a matter of time. I hoped she would have either been killed or kept such a secret that she'd never see daylight again, instead she was prancing around in that club like she owned the place. It made me sick to my stomach, sick as I didn't know where she would pop up next. 

Hell, she could have been following us, she could have known we were there all along and just spilt the drink on purpose to get a reaction. Maybe I was just thinking too much into it, it just seemed too much of a coincidence. 

"I am going to stay at Marie's tonight," I announced as I looked at Harry giving his thigh a squeeze before taking my hand back. 

Harry looked at me, he didn't speak, he just nodded at me, then he turned back to the road. 

I didn't know if it was good or not, the fact he'd not given tried to convince me otherwise, then I didn't know if I wanted him to convince me. All I wanted to do was to just sort my shit out, he wasn't part of that plan right now. 

After leaving Marie's house I found myself pounding on the door of an old familiar flat, my hands continuing to pound until the door opened roughly and I found myself face to face with an old friend

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After leaving Marie's house I found myself pounding on the door of an old familiar flat, my hands continuing to pound until the door opened roughly and I found myself face to face with an old friend. "Are you going to let me in?!" I snapped as I looked at the dark eyes of Zayn.

He smirked as he stepped back and allowed me into his flat, "I wondered when you'd show up." 

I slammed the door behind me as I looked at him, I pressed my lips together before I shook my head, "This is in no way a social call. She's alive."

"What? Elliott?" He asked before chuckling, "Of course she's alive, did you really think someone would pay all that money for her just to kill her, mate if I was paying near a mill for someone they would never leave my sight."

"Well, unluckily for us she has been given some kind of free roam!" I couldn't believe he wasn't taking this as seriously as it should be handled. "Tonight I took my cousin and Harry to a club and she was behind the bar, she was fucking serving, walking around like she owned the place!" I snapped before breathing heavily and turning away from him, "Now Harry is asking questions about her being alive."


I turned back to him and bared my teeth angrily, "And? Is that all you have to say. I'm the one who has to sleep with him, I'm the one who has to convince him otherwise, so don't give me and, give me something to work with!" Honestly, sometimes all he did was thinking about himself, he didn't think about the bigger picture, if Terry realised she was still alive then there would be a war. 

He put his hands on my shoulders before he used his right hand and tilted my chin up slowly so we were looking at each other, he smiled at me. "You are doing so well," his eyes were honest as he looked at me. "I promise soon you can stop all of this, just not at the moment."

"Zayn," I sighed, "I'm just done with all of it." I sat on the sofa before I shook my head and held my head in my hands. "It's almost three years since she went and now she's popping her head up from underground, she needs taking out. I want her dead then I can just get out of this."

"To be honest," he laughed as he sat next to me. "I thought you were starting to really fall in love with Harry, I've seen the way you look at him."

"Shut up!" I shoved him in the stomach before I realised what he had said. "Have you been watching us?"

Zayn shrugged his shoulders, "I know you are on the inside but someone has to keep an eye on you. Besides Max's orders, I thought you knew."

"No," I leaned back against the cushions as I thought of nothing but Elliott. "Whilst she's still out there I can't relax. Put a call in Zayn, get it sorted. I don't ever want to see her again."

"I'll see what I can do," he told me as he got closer to me before his lips started to kiss my neck. "Trust me, J, I know what to do."

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now