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As I ran towards the basement with my cut hand in my pocket so I didn't bleed anywhere else I passed my father's office, swiftly I entered there before cutting the cabling for the recordings so everything was lost for now before heading down the stairs, my heart pumping fast as I got to the bottom and listened. 

I could hear movement up the top, all I could do now was find somewhere to hide and hope that I wasn't found. I was stupid coming here, letting myself in was a mistake and- I'd left the keys in the bloody back door, they would know that it was me that had been here. I wasn't stupid, of course, they would know someone had been here but leaving the keys in the door would let them know it was the same person from the garden. 

Taking large strides I walked to the room where I had been chained up, sliding into the room staring at the room that seemed to have been left as it was. Maybe it was a reminder to my family that I was really gone, maybe my father couldn't bring himself to get it cleaned it, I didn't blame him. I stepped further into the room and ran my hands along the wall. 

"You have to help me, please."

"Just fucking do it!"

"I would rather be dead than here."

The voice rang through my head as I closed my eyes keeping my back against the wall before I breathed in heavily. Opening my eyes I heard shouting from upstairs, the voices were of my father and Harry. I moved swiftly and stood behind the door as I tried to listen. I couldn't make out the words though, I leaned my head against the wall as I shook it. I had come this far and now I was trapped. 

Using my left hand I took my gun from my pocket and held it ready, just in case. I tried to slow my breathing as I decided I might need to actually move soon.


The dogs barking woke me, my eyes wide open as I didn't even have time to grab a top, just my gun from the bedside cabinet. "Harry?" Jess looked up at me as she sat up, "What's happening?"

"Everything is fine, go back to sleep, I'm just going to check downstairs." I looked away from her as I headed towards the door, once I got to the door I looked back at her, "I'm going to lock you in here, you'll be safe here, I promise."

She nodded as she looked at me with scared eyes, I took a few steps back to her before kissing her on the lips, before I left the room locking it as I left using the key on the necklace around my neck. 

Terry was standing there outside his bedroom gun in hand as he looked at me, "Is she okay?" He asked me about the girl he had basically adopted as his own. "Whatever happens, no one gets to her, agreed?"

"Of course," I nodded at him as I looked towards the stairs, my eyes noticed a red mark on the floor by the stairs. Terry headed down the stairs first as I touched the mark, it was wet, maybe it was blood, sniffing the drop on my finger I knew it was definitely blood. There was someone here in this house and they were already injured. 

"Harry!" I heard Terry shout my name. 

Heading down the stairs two at a time I saw the front door was wide open, "Have they gone?" I asked him. 

He reached down and picked up the blood-soaked rag that was on the ground just outside the door, the rain was coming down out there making the blood run in the rain. As he picked it up I realised it was a tee shirt. I saw blood spatters on the floor in the house as I looked around, I left Terry there holding the top as I followed the drops on the floor which lead into the kitchen. 

My eyes landed on the keys in the door, they were my keys, the ones that had been stolen. "Terry!" I called him as I looked at the blood on the keys, the blood on the floor in a small puddle. I heard his footsteps as he approached me, there were footsteps from others and as I turned I saw there was a small army of Terry's men who were awaiting instruction. 

Terry's eye's landed on the keys before he looked back at me, then he turned to the others. "We are looking for a woman, a blonde. She's quick and likely to be trying to evade capture. Find her."

"She's injured," I piped up making sure that the information was also relayed. "She's bleeding so it might slow her down."

The men all seemed to disperse out of the house back out the front door leaving me looking at Terry. "Who could she be?" He asked me as he looked at me with a serious face. "This is someone who had the guts to break into my house, to put the people left in this family at danger."

I sighed, "I really don't know. I've been trying to think about who she might be, but I had no idea."

Terry looked at me with a shake of his head. "Find her. I want her alive."

Nodding my head I walked away from him and to the office, my eyes scanning over the screens. They were all black, grabbing the cables I pulled them up to see they had been cut with a knife, blood on the cables as I examined them. Whoever she was, she was a clever girl. 

Dropping the cables I left the office and looked towards the meeting room, heading to it I checked the room, turning the light on and looking around the room. There was no sign of life and as I entered the room and checked between seats I realised I was wasting my time in this room. 

As I left the room my mind thought back to the girl in the video. She knew what she was doing, I wondered if she had been watching the house for a long time like she knew what she was here for. I headed into the other rooms on this level, spending a few moments in each room but not finding any trace of a person. Whoever it was I needed to find them soon.

Walking back towards the office my eyes looked at the open door to the basement. Pushing the door open more I looked down at the stairs. Would someone seriously be hiding down here? No, whoever it was couldn't be, they had left via the front door. 

I turned away and headed back to the front door where Terry was standing, "I'm going to take my car, scout by the gates."

"I'll do it," Terry offered. "The girl, Emma, her name is Emma." He told me information that he thought he knew. "I met her, she was at your mum's place, hanging around."

"Mum's?" I spoke quietly to myself. Mum hadn't mentioned an Emma, a blonde girl coming to the house. "I have to," I cut myself off before I said the wrong thing before I looked back at Terry, "Let's find this bitch."


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Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now