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When the door opened Will was the one who greeted me, his lips curled into a smile and his hair was wet and tousled like he had just got out the shower. "Well, I didn't think I would see you again," he winked at me before I put my head up and actually looked at him. "Elliott? What's happened? Come in."

His words were rushed as he stood out the way and allowed me access to his home. I closed the door behind me before turning and looking at him with a sad smile on my lips, "Thanks, Will."

I didn't hear him say anything as I put my head down again, my mind turning to darkness as I felt him wrap his arms around me, his touch comforting as I felt his grip tighten and his chin on the top of my head. "I guess the happiness didn't last long?"

My chin wobbled as I heard his words, he couldn't have been more right. I had been a fool to think things were going to be okay. Nothing was going to be okay. 

Before I could let the tears fall I looked up at Will as he held me in his arms, he always looked so good, he had always tried to be there for me and that was something I appreciated from him. I didn't even wait for him to say anything more before I tip-toed up and pressed my lips against his. For a moment he let me kiss him before he pulled away from me, taking his hands off me and taking a couple of steps back. 

"What are you doing, Ell?" He asked me as he stared at me, his eyes were side and full of surprise as he looked over my face like he was searching for an answer. 

It was just enough for me to feel stupid, "I'm sorry," I tried to say as I shook my head and looked away from him, my eyes focusing on the floor in front of me. 

His hand touched my chin and moved it so I was looking at him, my eyes looking straight into his, his blue eyes burning into my thoughts before he pulled me close to him, my head against his chest as he put his arms back around me holding me in a hug. "We both know that doing that right now is not going to make you feel any better if anything it will make you feel worse." His right hand stroked my hair as he spoke, "What's happened?"

I wanted to keep it all bottled up, I didn't want to share my stupid insecurities with him. After all, my problems were just that, my problems, bullshit problems. I pulled out of Will's arms and managed to pull my lips into a smile, "Where's Bea?"

"She's still asleep," he told me. 

"What are you going to do now, without everything, I mean?" I asked him as I walked through to the living room, he followed me his footsteps close behind me as I walked through to the room that used to house all his computer systems instead now it was just an empty room. 

He stood next to me and put his arm around my shoulders, "I guess I'm just a regular guy now." He sighed as he looked at me, "I might take up knitting."

I rolled my eyes as I laughed, "Give me strength." I walked away to the window and looked out into the garden, "I need a huge favour." Turning on my heel I looked at him and bit my lip as he looked at me with an uneasy face, his features full of worry. "I'll replace all your computers and all the electronic equipment, I'll-"

"What is it?" He asked me as cutting my rambling off. 

Sighing I debated in my mind whether asking him was the right thing to do or not, I could easily ask him to find out the truth regarding Jessica and her apparent pregnancy. If I found out she was lying I couldn't exactly tell Harry, he'd never believe me. Then there was the scary prospect of finding out she was actually pregnant, then I would have to believe it. I shook my head as I smiled at him, "I just wanted some information on my mother. Thinking about it I would rather not know."

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