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"Elliott!" Whoever shouted my name sounded like they were a million miles away. My eyes were focused on my hands as my knees hit the ground below me. 

There was a faint touch on my shoulder but it almost felt it wasn't me who was being touched as I put my hands on my stomach again. 

"Ell," I heard my name again but it seemed far away. 

Looking up everything looked so small as I finally felt the pain in my stomach, the feeling like I was going to be violently sick, my insides felt like someone was pulling them out. 

My eyelids grew heavy as I slumped forward, I didn't remember touching the ground or feeling anything as I did. The pain subsided and all I heard was loud sounds in my head. 

"Miss," I looked around the classroom, my eyes landing on the person who owned the squeaky voice who had their hand up and frantically waving the teacher to get their attention. "Miss."

I rolled my eyes at the small mousey brunette before I returned my eyes to the front and looked at the teacher who was standing in front of the chalkboard which was full of words which meant nothing to me right now. "Yes, Joanna?"

"What happens when we die?" 

A few people in the room gasped, a few people turned and looked at Joanna, others looked at the teacher awaiting an answer, I raised my eyebrows before I took my phone from my pocket and checked it. 

"Different religions believe different things," Miss Bradbury said as she walked around the room, I could hear her heels tapping on the tiled floor. Suddenly she put her hand on my phone and pulled it from my hand before she looked down at me, a disappointed look on her face before she put my phone into her pocket and looked back up to the rest of the class. "Some people believe there is nothing after you die," she walked away from me taking my phone with her, giving me no other option but to listen to this boring class. "Some religions believe there is an afterlife, like a heaven and a hell. Other religions believe in rebirth or reincarnation. I think at the end of the day, it's all personal to each individual."

I hadn't really given much thought on what happened once the lights went off. When our life is over, what happens? Would people mourn me? Would people even care if I was dead?

"There are some people on earth that live their lives like every day is their last, doing everything they can to make their lives count. Some people live their best life here so they can have all the rewards in their afterlife." Miss Bradbury sat on her chair behind her desk as everyone stared at her waiting for her to say more. "We never know what will happen next, no one knows what will happen in the next minute, in the next hour, in the next day or week. This is your life right now, live each day to the best of your ability." She smiled as people just listened, "Have fun, do all the things you want to do. Fall in love, fall in love again and again. Go out with friends, have a family, don't have a family. Your life is your choice, no one can make you do anything you don't want to do. No one can make you live your life any other way than the way you want to live it."

I had never thought about that before. Some days it felt like I was not living my best life. Some days after school was over I'd just shut myself away, hide in my room and ignore the world. 

"We're going to go around the class," Miss Bradbury announced. "I want everyone to tell everyone else what they want to do when they grow up, don't think about it, just answer honestly."

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