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Sitting in the living room with my many drugs was a task I did not want to have to endure, never the less my father left me there as he went to attend to some business. All I wanted to do was to get the whole Jessica thing over and done with and sitting here wasn't getting that done. 

I flicked through the channels on the telly as I sat there with a look on my face. As I sat there my attention was drawn to the door as I heard creaking from the hall. I looked over and saw Jessica who was walking in my direction. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked me as she looked shocked to see me. 

"This is my house," I reminded her as I muted the telly and looked at her. "What are you doing here?"

She smirked as she laughed, "This is my home now, remember?"

"Oh yeah, that." I raised both my eyebrows as I smiled. "Maybe you should start thinking about finding a new place to live."

She walked into the living room and sat on the chair next to mine before she looked back in my direction, "And why would I do a thing like that?"

I pretended to think for a moment, even putting my forefinger on my chin before I spoke, "Leave or I will remove you. Trust me, you don't want that."

"You are weak, Ell." She laughed at me, "You're pathetic and it's only a matter of time before the men in this house realise it too."

Leaning close to her I tilted my head to the side, "I would love to hear Zayn tell you how weak I was when I visited his flat. How weak I was when I did to him what you both wanted to be done to me."

She moved back in her seat as she shook her head, "You're just trying to scare me. Anyone could have read about what happened to him."

I shrugged my shoulders as I smirked, my teeth drawing in my bottom lip as I looked at her. "Maybe, maybe not. How are your parents by the way?"

"Leave my parents out of this," she snapped as she stood up. 

Waving my right hand I laughed, "What? Like how you left my dad out of it all?"

She ran her hand through her hair as she shook her head, "You weren't ever supposed to return. When Max took you, you were supposed to die, he said he'd kill you."

"Shame that," I sneered.

"I knew I couldn't trust him or Zayn to get the job done." I narrowed my eyes at her as I watched her pace the living room before she stopped in front of me, her hands going on either side of the arms of the chair I was sat on, "I promise I will make sure I finish the job."

I laughed, laughed right in her face. "You have to see how stupid it would be to continue with this."

Shrugging her shoulders she smirked as she watched me, "Maybe. You do realise how much fun it is going to be watching you beg for your life. Remember I am innocent in all of this Elliott, you have no proof of my involvement."

Putting my hands over hers and digging my nails into her skin I watched as pain flashed across her face. "I don't need proof."

"You will if you expect anyone to believe you, right now you're only here because your father feels sorry for you." Her voice was threatening and low before she smiled at me, "But since you are here, why don't me and you catch up on shit." She pulled her hands from under mine before she stepped back and rubbed her hands. "I'm sure you're going to want to hear all about this new relationship I've entered, after all, you've always been pretty interested in my love life."

I watched her as she flipped her hair away from her face, "You're crazy."

She nodded as she looked down on me, her eyes bright as she stared. "No, I just know what I want." She looked towards the door before she looked back at me, "I want you gone and if it means I have to wait then I will. It will only be a short while before you leave or I force you out. Can you imagine how sad it will be for you to watch," her voice turned to a whisper as she looked back to the stairs where Harry was walking down, "The man you love so much with me." She winked at me before she bounced off to greet Harry. 

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now